ENI (5) ENI Expedient for Sedipualba: Resolutions in ENI format

 1. Introduction

In the previous post, the resolutions in ENI format have been achieved. 

Let's build the "Expedient" in ENI format

2. SedipualbaDecretsUtilsPaso2.class

package openadmin.sedipualba.decrets;

import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileWriter;
import java.net.URL;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.file.Files;

import java.nio.file.Paths;

import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;

import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Properties;

import org.apache.commons.io.FilenameUtils;

import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDDocument;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDPage;

import org.json.JSONObject;

import eni.exp.TipoExpediente;
import eni.exp.TipoIndiceContenido;

import jakarta.xml.bind.JAXBContext;
import jakarta.xml.bind.JAXBException;
import jakarta.xml.bind.Marshaller;
import jakarta.xml.bind.Unmarshaller;
import openadmin.utils.decrets.PDFUtils;
import ximodante.basic.utils.basic.ExecutionTypeEnum;
import ximodante.basic.utils.basic.FileUtilsEdu;
import ximodante.basic.utils.basic.PropertyUtilsEdu;
import ximodante.basic.utils.command.CmdUtils;

public class SedipualbaDecretsUtilsPaso2 {
     * Replaces the String "$(RESOURCES)/" by the route to the resources file
     * @param str
     * @param isExecutedFromJar
     * @return
    //public static String replaceResourcesFilename(String str, boolean isExecutedFromJar) {
    public static String replaceResourcesFilename(String str, ExecutionTypeEnum execType) {
        String f1="locator.txt";
        String fName="";
        if (execType==ExecutionTypeEnum.JAR) {
            try {
                fName=FileUtilsEdu.getJarContainingFolder() + File.separator ;
            } catch (Exception e) {
        else {
            URL url = ClassLoader.getSystemResource(f1);
        String result= str.replace("$(RESOURCES)/", fName);
        return result;
    //XML Marshaller for TipoExpediente
    private static Marshaller getENIExpMarshaller() throws JAXBException { 
        JAXBContext context = JAXBContext.newInstance(TipoExpediente.class);
        Marshaller mar= context.createMarshaller();
        mar.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_FORMATTED_OUTPUT, Boolean.TRUE);
        return mar;
    private static Unmarshaller getENIExpUnmarshaller() throws JAXBException { 
        JAXBContext context = JAXBContext.newInstance(TipoExpediente.class);
        Unmarshaller unmar= context.createUnmarshaller();
        //unmar.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_FORMATTED_OUTPUT, Boolean.TRUE);
        return unmar;
    //Write a TipoDocumento object to a xml file
    public static void marshallENIExp(TipoExpediente eniExp, String fileName) throws JAXBException { 
        Marshaller mar=getENIExpMarshaller();
        mar.marshal(eniExp, new File(fileName));
    //Write a TipoDocumento from a xml file to object
    public static TipoExpediente unmarshallENIExp(String fileName) throws JAXBException { 
        Unmarshaller unmar=getENIExpUnmarshaller();
        TipoExpediente eniExp=(TipoExpediente) unmar.unmarshal(new File(fileName));
        return eniExp;
    //XML Marshaller for TipoExpediente
    private static Marshaller getENIExpIndContMarshaller() throws JAXBException { 
        JAXBContext context = JAXBContext.newInstance(TipoIndiceContenido.class);
        Marshaller mar= context.createMarshaller();
        mar.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_FORMATTED_OUTPUT, Boolean.TRUE);
        return mar;
    //Write a TipoDocumento object to a xml file
    private static void marshallENIExpIndCont(TipoIndiceContenido eniExp, String fileName) throws JAXBException { 
        Marshaller mar=getENIExpIndContMarshaller();
        mar.marshal(eniExp, new File(fileName));
    public static void showMessage(String message) {
        showMessage(message, false); 
    public static void showMessage(String message, boolean isError) {
        //myUI.access(() -> v1.add(new Span(message)));
        if (! isError) System.out.println("CessarLlibreDecrets " + ".showMessage: "+message);
        else System.out.println("ERROR:" + "CessarLlibreDecrets " + ".showMessage: "+message);
    public static void execute(String[] args, ExecutionTypeEnum execType) throws Exception{
        int year=Integer.parseInt(args[1].trim());
        String organoDIR3=args[2].trim();
        String outputFolder=args[3].trim()+year;
        String decretNumformat=args[5].trim();
        String resolutionInfoFile=outputFolder+"/INFO"+year+".txt";
        String errors="";
        String fileError=outputFolder+"/0ERRORS.txt";
        //1. Documents
        PDDocument docIndexPdfWithLinks = null;
        PDDocument docIndexPdfNoLinks = null;
        Object[] docAndPageWithLinks=null;    
        Object[] docAndPageNoLinks=null;    
        //4. Properties
        Properties appProps=PropertyUtilsEdu.getProperties(execType, "app_encrypt");
        //5. Certificate's path. Certificate's parameters
        String certParams=appProps.getProperty("cert.params");
        certParams=replaceResourcesFilename(certParams, execType);
        //6. Autofirma's path
        //String autofirmaURL=appProps.getProperty("autofirma.url");
        SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy");
        SimpleDateFormat dayFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd");
        //Capçalera de l'Index del llibre de resolucions
        List<String> lines = Files.readAllLines(Paths.get(resolutionInfoFile), Charset.defaultCharset());
        int resCount=lines.size();
        JSONObject json=new JSONObject(lines.get(0));
        int resIni=json.getInt("numDecreto");
        Date date =ENIDocSedipualba.getFecha(json.get("fechaDecreto").toString()).toGregorianCalendar().getTime();
        int diaIni=Integer.parseInt(dayFormat.format(date));
        json=new JSONObject(lines.get(resCount-1));
        int resFi=json.getInt("numDecreto");
        date =ENIDocSedipualba.getFecha(json.get("fechaDecreto").toString()).toGregorianCalendar().getTime();
        int diaFi=Integer.parseInt(dayFormat.format(date));
        docAndPageWithLinks= ENIExpSedipualba.getFirstIndexPage(execType, year, resCount, diaIni, diaFi, resIni, resFi);
        docAndPageNoLinks= ENIExpSedipualba.getFirstIndexPage(execType, year, resCount, diaIni, diaFi, resIni, resFi);
        //FI Capçalera de l'Index del llibre de resolucions
        List<String[]>contentWithLinks=new ArrayList<String[]>();
        List<String[]>contentNoLinks=new ArrayList<String[]>();
        List<String[]>links  =new ArrayList<String[]>();
        List<String[]>noLinks  =new ArrayList<String[]>();
        String fileNameIndexWithLinks=outputFolder + java.io.File.separator + "Index."+year+".links.pdf" ;
        String fileNameIndexNoLinks=outputFolder + java.io.File.separator + "Index."+year+".nolinks.pdf" ;
        int lastDecret=0;
        int i=0;
        for (String line: lines) {
            json=new JSONObject(line);
            int numDecret=json.getInt("numDecreto");
            //if (line.getNumero()<0) continue;
            //if (i >10) break; 
            showMessage("Decret "+ numDecret);
            if ((lastDecret+1)!=numDecret) 
                errors+="\n Error en comptador de decrets: Hem passat de " + lastDecret + " a " + numDecret;
            date =ENIDocSedipualba.getFecha(json.get("fechaDecreto").toString()).toGregorianCalendar().getTime();
            String fecha=dateFormat.format(date);
            System.out.println("6.Fila de la taula de decrets");
            String[] lineContentWithLinks= {
                    String.format("%1$5s", numDecret),
            String fileName=outputFolder+"/Decret_"+year+"_"+String.format(decretNumformat, numDecret)+".orig.pdf";
            String fileNameCSV=outputFolder+"/Decret_"+year+"_"+String.format(decretNumformat, numDecret)+".aut.pdf";
            int pkDoc=json.getInt("pkdocumento");
            String fileNameENI=outputFolder+"/ES_" + organoDIR3 + "_"+ year + "_DOC_RESOLUCIO_" + String.format(decretNumformat, numDecret) + "_"+ pkDoc+".xml";
            String[] lineLink= {null,
            String[] lineContentNoLinks= {
                    String.format("%1$5s", numDecret),
            String[] lineNoLink= {null,
        System.out.println("7. taula de decrets");
        docIndexPdfWithLinks=ENIExpSedipualba.saveIndexDecretsWithLinks(execType, (PDDocument)docAndPageWithLinks[0],(PDPage)docAndPageWithLinks[1],(float)docAndPageWithLinks[2], contentWithLinks,links,fileNameIndexWithLinks );
        //2. ENI Expedient
        TipoExpediente expENI=new TipoExpediente();
        //1. Posem totes les metadades
        //2. Fiquem l'índex buit
        docIndexPdfNoLinks=ENIExpSedipualba.saveIndexDecretsNoLinks(execType, (PDDocument)docAndPageNoLinks[0],(PDPage)docAndPageNoLinks[1],(float)docAndPageNoLinks[2], contentNoLinks,noLinks,fileNameIndexNoLinks );
        expENI=ENIExpSedipualba.addPDFDocIndx(expENI, docIndexPdfNoLinks, year);
       //Firma del contenido
        String expContenidoFileName=outputFolder+"/contenido.xml";
        String expContenidoFirmaFileNameXades=outputFolder+"/contenido_firma.edu.XAdES-Detached.xsig";
        //xmlMapper.ObjectToFile(expENI.getIndice().getIndiceContenido(),expContenidoFileName );
        String expEniJaxbFName=outputFolder+"/0"+ENIExpSedipualba.getIdentificadorExp(year)+".ENI.NOSIGNED.xml";
        String AFirmaCmd=
                "/usr/bin/AutoFirma  sign " + 
                    " -i " + expContenidoFileName + 
                    //" -o " + expContenidoFirmaFileNameCades + 
                    "-o " + expContenidoFirmaFileNameXades + 
                    " -format xades " +
                    "-store" + " pkcs11:/usr/lib/libaetpkss.so " + //Tarjeta criptografica
                    "-alias "+  " EPN1" + 
                    "-config" +  "format=XAdES Detached";
        byte[] firmaContent=FileUtilsEdu.readFileAsByteArray(expContenidoFirmaFileNameXades);
        expENI=ENIExpSedipualba.firmarContenido(expENI, firmaContent, year, expContenidoFirmaFileNameXades);
        String expEniJaxbFNameSigned=outputFolder+"/0"+ENIExpSedipualba.getIdentificadorExp(year)+".ENI.xml";

        FileWriter writerObj = new FileWriter(fileError, false);

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        //OJO: Hen de tindre creat l'expedient "1355414W" que arreplega els decrets sense expedient
        try { //                                           descripcio        any    organoDIR3  carpeta a guardar    "fitxer excel a llegir format num decret" "expedient"
            SedipualbaDecretsUtilsPaso2.execute(new String[]{"LLIBRE_DECRETS","2022","L01462384","/home/eduard/SEGRA","SEGRAAdministrador.xlsx","%05d",         "1355414W"   }, ExecutionTypeEnum.NO_JAR);
        } catch (Exception e) {



3. ENIExpSedipualba utility class

This class is for managing "expedients"

package openadmin.sedipualba.decrets;

import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Base64;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;

import javax.xml.datatype.DatatypeConfigurationException;
import javax.xml.datatype.DatatypeFactory;
import javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDDocument;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDPage;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDPageContentStream;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDPageContentStream.AppendMode;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.common.PDRectangle;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.font.PDFont;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.font.PDType0Font;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.graphics.image.PDImageXObject;

import eni.exp.EnumeracionEstados;
import eni.exp.Firmas;
import eni.exp.SignatureType;
import eni.exp.TipoContenido;
import eni.exp.TipoDocumentoIndizado;
import eni.exp.TipoExpediente;
import eni.exp.TipoFirmasElectronicas;
import eni.exp.TipoFirmasElectronicas.ContenidoFirma;
import eni.exp.TipoFirmasElectronicas.ContenidoFirma.FirmaConCertificado;
import eni.exp.TipoIndice;
import eni.exp.TipoIndiceContenido;
import eni.exp.TipoMetadatos;
import eni.exp.TipoMetadatos.Estado;
import openadmin.model.gexflow.original.document.ExpDocumento;
import openadmin.model.gexflow.original.document.decreto.ExpLineaLibroDecreto;
import openadmin.utils.decrets.PDFTables;
import openadmin.utils.decrets.PDFUtils;
import openadmin.utils.decrets.PDF_AUtils;
import openadmin.xsig.classes.AFirma;
import openadmin.xsig.classes.Object_EduContent_Type;
import openadmin.xsig.classes.SignatureEduType;
import ximodante.basic.utils.basic.ExecutionTypeEnum;
import ximodante.basic.utils.basic.FileUtilsEdu;
import ximodante.basic.utils.basic.HashUtils;
import ximodante.basic.utils.basic.PropertyUtilsEdu;
import ximodante.basic.utils.cmis.CMISEduImp;
import ximodante.basic.utils.cmis.ICMISEdu;

public class ENIExpSedipualba {

    public static String Titol = 
            + " (ENLLAÇ A L'EXPEDIENT ENI)";
    public static String diligencia01=
            "Per fer constar que, en la data de la signatura electrònica d'este document, a través d’esta " 
            + "Diligència que l'encapçala, es formalitza i es tanca l'agrupació documental comprensiva del Llibre de " 
            + "Resolucions, corresponents a les emeses per l'Alcaldia i Regidories Delegades durant l'any ${any}. Açò " 
            + "es duu a terme en compliment de l'obligació d'esta Secretaria Municipal de transcriure al Llibre de " 
            + "Resolucions, siga quin sigui el seu suport, les dictades per la presidència, pels membres de la "
            + "corporació que resolguen per delegació i les de qualsevol altre òrgan amb competències "
            + "resolutives, tal com preveu l'article 3 del Reial Decret 128/2018, de 16 de març, pel qual es regula el "
            + "règim jurídic dels funcionaris d'administració local amb habilitació de caràcter nacional , amb el "  
            + "contingut expressat en l'índex electrònic que també s'hi incorpora.\n" 
            + "El Llibre de Resolucions de ${any}, queda integrat, conforme es detalla a l'índex electrònic " 
            + "a continuació, per ${resCount} resolucions en l'original electrònic, que es corresponen amb les dictades "
            + "del dia ${diaIni} de gener al ${diaFi} de desembre de 2021 , numerades correlativament de la número ${resIni} a la ${resFi}, "
            + "i que compleixen els requisits de l'art. 26 de la Llei 39/2015, d'1 d'octubre, del procediment administratiu comú "
            + "de les administracions públiques i la resta de normativa aplicable.\n";
    public static String diligencia02=    
            "Índex electrònic del Llibre de Resolucions de ${any}:\n";
    public static String diligencia03=        
            "Este Índex electrònic de l'agrupació documental del Llibre de Resolucions de ${any} conté la identificació "
            + "substancial de tots els documents electrònics (resolucions electròniques) que el componen, " 
            + "degudament ordenat per a reflectir-ne la seva disposició, i també altres dades, a fi de preservar-ne la " 
            + "integritat i permetre'n la recuperació, en els termes de l'article 70.3 de l'esmentada Llei 39/2015, d'1 " 
            + "d'octubre de 2015 en format XML conforme a l'annex II de la Norma Tècnica d'Interoperabilitat de Document " 
            + "Electrònic i de l'annex II de la Norma Tècnica dInteroperabilitat dExpedient Electrònic.\n"
            + "L'Índex comprèn i reflecteix, de manera individualitzada, per cada una de les resolucions emeses durant " 
            + "l'exercici ${any} els camps per columnes següents:\n"
            + "Núm. de resolució: es correspon amb el número de Resolució.\n"
            + "Original: enllaç al document original en format pdf.\n" 
            + "Autèntic: enllaç al document en format pdf, amb el codi segur de verificació (CSV) i detall de les firmes practicades.\n" 
            + "ENI: Enllaç al document en format ENI.\n" 
            + "Nom o designació de la Resolució: esta descripció incorpora dades que identifiquen el departament emissor " 
            + "de la resolució i l'expedient en què s'ha generat.\n"
            + "Descripció: breu resum del contingut de la resolució que es correspon amb la que hauria de ser la capçalera " 
            + "de la resolució\n"
            + "Data: es correspon amb el dia i l'hora en què l'últim signant, regidoria o secretari, va firmar i, per tant, " 
            + "es va incorporar al Llibre.\n"
            + "Enllaços al format Document.xml\n\n" 
            + "Este document es signa electrònicament incorporant-hi tots els camps transcrits i les metadades " 
            + "corresponents per garantir l'autenticitat i la integritat del contingut d'esta Diligència, de l'índex, i " 
            + "per extensió, dels documents electrònics (resolucions) formen el Llibre de Resolucions de ${any} així " 
            + "com la seva estructura. La signatura correspon, en virtut del RD 128/2018 en connexió amb l'art. 92bis de la " 
            + "Llei 7/1985, de 2 dabril, Reguladora de les Bases de Règim Local, amb el secretari " 
            + "municipal, ja que es refereix a una atribució reservada en exclusiva a este lloc de treball.";

    public static String DIR3ORGANO = "L01462384";

    public static XMLGregorianCalendar getDate2XMLGregorian(Date date) throws DatatypeConfigurationException {

        if (date==null) return null;
        GregorianCalendar cal = new GregorianCalendar();

        XMLGregorianCalendar xmlGregCal = DatatypeFactory.newInstance().newXMLGregorianCalendar(cal);
        return xmlGregCal;

    public static String getClasificacion(int any) {
        return DIR3ORGANO + "_PRO_" + "LLIBRE_RESOLUCIONS_" + any;

    public static String getIdentificadorExp(int any) {
        return "ES_" + DIR3ORGANO + "_" + any + "_EXP_" + "LLIBRE_RESOLUCIONS";

    public static List<String> getOrgano() {
        List<String> organos = new ArrayList<String>();
        return organos;

    public static Estado getEstado() {
        Estado estado = new Estado();
        estado.setValue(EnumeracionEstados.E_02);// E_02=Cerrado
        return estado;

    public static XMLGregorianCalendar getFechaAperturaExpediente(int any)
            throws ParseException, DatatypeConfigurationException {
        DateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss");
        Date date = format.parse("" + any + "-01-01 00:00:00");

        GregorianCalendar cal = new GregorianCalendar();

        XMLGregorianCalendar xmlGregCal = DatatypeFactory.newInstance().newXMLGregorianCalendar(cal);
        return xmlGregCal;

    public static TipoMetadatos getMetadatosExp(int any) throws ParseException, DatatypeConfigurationException {
        TipoMetadatos metaExpENI = new TipoMetadatos();
        metaExpENI.setId(DIR3ORGANO + "_" + any + "_METADADES_LLIBRE_RESOLUCIONS");
        return metaExpENI;
    public static void getMetadatosAddicExp(int any) {

     * INDICE

    public static String getIdentificadorDocIndex(int any) {
        return "ES_" + DIR3ORGANO + "_" + any + "_INDEX_LLIBRE_RESOLUCIONS";
    public static String getIdentificadorDocIndexContenido(int any) {
        return "ES_" + DIR3ORGANO + "_" + any + "_INDEX_CONTENIDO_LLIBRE_RESOLUCIONS";

    public static TipoIndice getIndiceExp(int any) throws DatatypeConfigurationException {
        TipoIndice indiceENI = new TipoIndice();

        TipoIndiceContenido indiceContenidoENI = new TipoIndiceContenido();
        indiceContenidoENI.setFechaIndiceElectronico(getDate2XMLGregorian(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis())));
        //indiceContenidoENI.setId(any + "_LLIBRE_RESOLUCIONS");
        return indiceENI;

     * Afegeix la referencia a un document (TipoDocumentoIndizado) a l'index de
     * l'expedient
     * @param expENI
     * @param docContent
     * @param linea
     * @param any
     * @param formatNumDecret
     * @return
     * @throws DatatypeConfigurationException
    public static TipoExpediente addDoc2Indx(TipoExpediente expENI, byte[] docContent, ExpLineaLibroDecreto linea,
            int any, String formatNumDecret) throws DatatypeConfigurationException {
        ExpDocumento decret = linea.getExpDocumento();

        TipoDocumentoIndizado docInd = new TipoDocumentoIndizado();
        docInd.setId(linea.getCodigo().replace("Nº Decreto: ","Decret_"));
        docInd.setIdentificadorDocumento(getIdentificadorDoc(any, linea.getNumero(), formatNumDecret));
        docInd.setOrdenDocumentoExpediente(String.format(formatNumDecret, linea.getNumero()));
        return expENI;
    /* OBSOLETE OJO !!!! Hay que firmar el contenido*/
    public static TipoExpediente firmarContenido(TipoExpediente expENI, byte[] firmaContent, int any, String tipo)  {
        FirmaConCertificado unaFrmCCert= new FirmaConCertificado();
        //unaFrmCCert.setReferenciaFirma(null); //????
        ContenidoFirma unContenido=new ContenidoFirma();
        TipoFirmasElectronicas unaFirma=new TipoFirmasElectronicas();
        unaFirma.setId("Contenido_"+ any);
        if (tipo.toLowerCase().contains("xades")) unaFirma.setTipoFirma("TF02");//Xades internally detached 
        if (tipo.toLowerCase().contains("cades")) unaFirma.setTipoFirma("TF05");
        unaFirma.setTipoFirma("TF05"); //CADES implicid (attached)
        //unaFirma.setTipoFirma("TF04"); //NO PERMITIT EN EXPEDIENTS !!!! CADES explicid (NOT attached)
        expENI.getIndice().setFirmas(new Firmas());
        return expENI;


    public static String getIdentificadorDoc(int any, long nRes, String formatNumDecret) {
        return "ES_" + DIR3ORGANO + "_" + any + "_DOC_RESOLUCIO_" + String.format(formatNumDecret, nRes);


     * Afegeix el document index a l'expedient (TipoContenido= Visualización índice)
     * @param expENI
     * @param docContent
     * @param any
     * @return
     * @throws DatatypeConfigurationException
     * @throws IOException
    public static TipoExpediente addPDFDocIndx(TipoExpediente expENI, PDDocument docIndexPdf, int any)
            throws DatatypeConfigurationException, IOException {

        byte[] docContent = PDFUtils.getContent(docIndexPdf);
        TipoContenido content = new TipoContenido();
        content.setValorBinario(new String(Base64.getEncoder().encode(docContent)));
        return expENI;
     * INDICE
     * @throws Exception 
     * Create the first page of the pdf index document
     * @param execType
     * @param any
     * @param resCount
     * @param diaIni
     * @param diaFi
     * @param resIni
     * @param resFi
     * @return
     * @throws Exception
    public static Object[] getFirstIndexPage(ExecutionTypeEnum execType, int any, int resCount, int diaIni, int diaFi, int resIni, int resFi) throws Exception {
        float FONT_SIZE = 9;
        float TITLE_FONT_SIZE = 12;//15
        //float LEADING = -1.5f * FONT_SIZE;
        float LEADING = 1.5f * FONT_SIZE;
        PDDocument doc=new PDDocument();
        PDPage page = new PDPage();
        //PDFont FONT = PDType1Font.HELVETICA;
        // Create a new font object by loading a TrueType font into the document
        //PDFont FONT = PDTrueTypeFont.loadTTF(doc, "Arial.ttf");
         PDFont FONT = PDType0Font.load(doc, new File(FileUtilsEdu.getRelativeResourceFile(execType, "fonts/Arial.ttf")));
         PDFont FONT_BOLD = PDType0Font.load(doc, new File(FileUtilsEdu.getRelativeResourceFile(execType, "fonts/FontsFree-Net-arial-bold.ttf")));     
        PDPageContentStream contentStream = new PDPageContentStream(doc, page);

        PDRectangle mediaBox = page.getMediaBox();
        float mil2Point=mediaBox.getWidth()/210;
        float marginY = 10*mil2Point; // 15; 80;
        float marginX = 25*mil2Point;//60;
        float width = mediaBox.getWidth() - 35*mil2Point;//2 * marginX;
        float startX = mediaBox.getLowerLeftX() + marginX;
        float startY = mediaBox.getUpperRightY() - marginY;
        float posY=startY;

        String titol=StringUtils.replace(Titol, "${any}", ""+any, 1000);
        String text01 = StringUtils.replace(diligencia01, "${any}", ""+any,1000);
        text01 = StringUtils.replace(text01, "${resCount}", ""+resCount,1000);
        text01 = StringUtils.replace(text01, "${diaIni}", ""+diaIni,1000);
        text01 = StringUtils.replace(text01, "${diaFi}", ""+diaFi,1000);
        text01 = StringUtils.replace(text01, "${resIni}", ""+resIni,1000);
        text01 = StringUtils.replace(text01, "${resFi}", ""+resFi,1000);
        String text02 = StringUtils.replace(diligencia02, "${any}", ""+any,1000);
        text02 = StringUtils.replace(text02, "${resCount}", ""+resCount,1000);
        text02 = StringUtils.replace(text02, "${diaIni}", ""+diaIni,1000);
        text02 = StringUtils.replace(text02, "${diaFi}", ""+diaFi,1000);
        text02 = StringUtils.replace(text02, "${resIni}", ""+resIni,1000);
        text02 = StringUtils.replace(text02, "${resFi}", ""+resFi,1000);
        String text03 = StringUtils.replace(diligencia03, "${any}", ""+any,1000);
        text03 = StringUtils.replace(text03, "${resCount}", ""+resCount,1000);
        text03 = StringUtils.replace(text03, "${diaIni}", ""+diaIni,1000);
        text03 = StringUtils.replace(text03, "${diaFi}", ""+diaFi,1000);
        text03 = StringUtils.replace(text03, "${resIni}", ""+resIni,1000);
        text03 = StringUtils.replace(text03, "${resFi}", ""+resFi,1000);
        String imagePath=FileUtilsEdu.getRelativeResourceFile(execType, "images/capsalera1.png");
        PDImageXObject capsalera = PDImageXObject.createFromFile(imagePath,doc);
        contentStream.drawImage(capsalera, marginX, startY-30*mil2Point,width, 30*mil2Point); //35
        startY=(float) (startY-30*mil2Point-1*TITLE_FONT_SIZE);
        contentStream = new PDPageContentStream(doc, page,AppendMode.APPEND,false);
        PDFUtils.addParagraph(contentStream, width, startX, startY, titol, true, TITLE_FONT_SIZE, FONT_BOLD, LEADING, Color.BLACK, posY);
        PDFUtils.addParagraph(contentStream, width, 0, -TITLE_FONT_SIZE, text01, true, FONT_SIZE, FONT, LEADING, Color.BLACK, posY);
        PDFUtils.addParagraph(contentStream, width, 0, -TITLE_FONT_SIZE, text02, true, FONT_SIZE, FONT_BOLD, LEADING, Color.BLACK, posY);
        float posYNow= PDFUtils.addParagraph(contentStream, width, 0, -TITLE_FONT_SIZE, text03, true, FONT_SIZE, FONT, LEADING, Color.BLACK, posY);
        Object[] obs= {doc, page, posYNow};
        return obs;
     * Add resolutions to the pdf index documents 
     * @param execType
     * @param doc
     * @param page
     * @param posYNow
     * @param lContent
     * @param lLinks
     * @param fileName
     * @throws Exception
    public static PDDocument saveIndexDecretsWithLinks(ExecutionTypeEnum execType, PDDocument doc, PDPage page, float posYNow, List<String[]>lContent, List<String[]> lLinks, String fileName) throws Exception   {
        String[] titles= {"Núm Reso- lució","Original","Autèntic","ENI","Descripció","Data resolució"};
        boolean[] titleRotates= {false,true,true,true,false,false};
        boolean[] textRotates=  {false,true,true,true,false,false};
        boolean[] textLinks=textRotates;
        float[] proportions={6.8f,2.75f,2.75f,2.75f,60f,9.5f};
        //float margin = 50;
        float leftMargin = 25/0.375f;
        // starting y position is whole page height subtracted by top and bottom margin
        //float yStartNewPage = page.getMediaBox().getHeight() - (2 * margin);
        //float yStart = page.getMediaBox().getHeight() - (500);
        float yStart =page.getMediaBox().getHeight() - posYNow -15/0.375f;
        float yStartNewPage = page.getMediaBox().getHeight() - (40 /0.375f);
        // we want table across whole page width (subtracted by left and right margin ofcourse)
        float tableWidth = page.getMediaBox().getWidth() - (25+15)/0.375f ;

        boolean drawContent = true;
        boolean drawLines = true;
        //float yStart = yStartNewPage;
        //float bottomMargin = 70;
        float bottomMargin = 20/0.375f;
        // y position is your coordinate of top left corner of the table
        float yPosition = 550;
        float rowHeight=20;
        PDRectangle mediaBox = page.getMediaBox();
        float pageWidth = mediaBox.getWidth();
        float pageHeight = mediaBox.getHeight();
       // System.out.println("rightMargin="+rightMargin);
        //createTable(yStart, yStartNewPage, bottomMargin, tableWidth, margin, rowHeight, doc, page, drawLines, drawContent, content);
        Map<Integer,List<Object[]>> possitions= PDFTables.createTable01(yStart, yStartNewPage, bottomMargin, tableWidth, leftMargin, rowHeight, 
                doc, page, drawLines, drawContent, proportions, titles, titleRotates, lContent, textRotates, textLinks, lLinks, execType);
        PDFTables.addPageNumbers(execType, doc, leftMargin, 15/0.375f, 15/0.375f,bottomMargin);
        //Fem que siga PDF v1.7 (PDF/A) segons email Jesús Romero
        doc=PDF_AUtils.setVersionPDFA(doc, fileName, execType);
        return doc;
    public static PDDocument saveIndexDecretsNoLinks(ExecutionTypeEnum execType, PDDocument doc, PDPage page, float posYNow, List<String[]>lContent, List<String[]> lLinks, String fileName) throws Exception   {
        String[] titles= {"Núm Reso- lució","Descripció","Data última firma"};
        boolean[] titleRotates= {false,false,false};
        boolean[] textRotates=  {false,false,false};
        boolean[] textLinks=textRotates;
        float[] proportions={6.8f,65f,9.5f};
        //float margin = 50;
        float leftMargin = 25/0.375f;
        // starting y position is whole page height subtracted by top and bottom margin
        //float yStartNewPage = page.getMediaBox().getHeight() - (2 * margin);
        //float yStart = page.getMediaBox().getHeight() - (500);
        float yStart =page.getMediaBox().getHeight() - posYNow -15/0.375f;
        float yStartNewPage = page.getMediaBox().getHeight() - (40 /0.375f);
        // we want table across whole page width (subtracted by left and right margin ofcourse)
        float tableWidth = page.getMediaBox().getWidth() - (25+15)/0.375f ;

        boolean drawContent = true;
        boolean drawLines = true;
        //float yStart = yStartNewPage;
        //float bottomMargin = 70;
        float bottomMargin = 20/0.375f;
        // y position is your coordinate of top left corner of the table
        float yPosition = 550;
        float rowHeight=20;
        PDRectangle mediaBox = page.getMediaBox();
        float pageWidth = mediaBox.getWidth();
        float pageHeight = mediaBox.getHeight();
       // System.out.println("rightMargin="+rightMargin);
        //createTable(yStart, yStartNewPage, bottomMargin, tableWidth, margin, rowHeight, doc, page, drawLines, drawContent, content);
        Map<Integer,List<Object[]>> possitions= PDFTables.createTable01(yStart, yStartNewPage, bottomMargin, tableWidth, leftMargin, rowHeight, 
                doc, page, drawLines, drawContent, proportions, titles, titleRotates, lContent, textRotates, textLinks, lLinks, execType);
        PDFTables.addPageNumbers(execType, doc, leftMargin, 15/0.375f, 15/0.375f,bottomMargin);
        //Fem que siga PDF v1.7 (PDF/A) segons email Jesús Romero
        doc=PDF_AUtils.setVersionPDFA(doc, fileName, execType);
        return doc;

    public static void main(String[] args) {



4. PDFUtils Utility class

public class PDFUtils {
     * Convert html to pdf
     * @param inputHtmlPath
     * @param outputPdfPath
     * @throws IOException
    public static final void html2Pdf(String inputHtmlPath, String outputPdfPath) throws IOException {
        // Read the html document
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse(inputHtmlPath, "UTF-8");

        // Write the pdf document
        OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(outputPdfPath);
        PdfRendererBuilder builder = new PdfRendererBuilder();
        builder.withW3cDocument(new W3CDom().fromJsoup(doc), "/");

    public static final void createPdfWithLink(String outputPdfPath) throws IOException {
        PDDocument doc = new PDDocument ();
        PDPage page = new PDPage (new PDRectangle (250, 150));
        doc.addPage (page);
        PDPageContentStream contentStream = new PDPageContentStream (doc, page);
        PDAnnotationLink txtLink = new PDAnnotationLink ();
        PDAnnotationLink txtLink1 = new PDAnnotationLink ();

          // border style
         PDBorderStyleDictionary linkBorder = new PDBorderStyleDictionary ();
         linkBorder.setStyle (PDBorderStyleDictionary.STYLE_UNDERLINE);
         linkBorder.setWidth (10);
         txtLink.setBorderStyle (linkBorder);
         txtLink1.setBorderStyle (linkBorder);

         // Border color
         final Color color = Color.GREEN;
         final float [] components = new float [] { color.getRed () / 255f, color.getGreen () / 255f, color.getBlue () / 255f };
         txtLink.setColor (new PDColor (components, PDDeviceRGB.INSTANCE));
         txtLink1.setColor (new PDColor (components, PDDeviceRGB.INSTANCE));

         // Destination URI
         final PDActionURI action = new PDActionURI ();
         //action.setURI ("https://www.helger.com"); //OK
         //action.setURI ("pdf.pdf"); //OK
         //action.setURI ("/home/edu/Descargas/Diptico de VALIDe.pdf"); //MAL
         //action.setURI ("file:///home/edu/Documentos/Transporte%20Musical.pdf"); //OK
         //action.setURI ("file://./Transporte%20Musical.pdf"); // MAL
         //action.setURI ("file://Transporte%20Musical.pdf"); // MAL
         //action.setURI ("file:Transporte%20Musical.pdf"); // MAL
         //action.setURI ("Transporte%20Musical.pdf"); // MAL
         action.setURI ("Transporte Musical.pdf"); // BIEN
         //action.setURI ("//home/edu/Descargas/Diptico de VALIDe.pdf"); //MAL
         //action.setURI ("file:///home/edu/Descargas/Diptico de VALIDe.pdf"); //OK
         txtLink.setAction (action);
         //Destination file
         //PDSimpleFileSpecification dest=new PDSimpleFileSpecification();
         PDFileSpecification dest=new PDSimpleFileSpecification();
         dest.setFile("/home/edu/Descargas/Diptico de VALIDe.pdf");
         PDActionRemoteGoTo action1= new PDActionRemoteGoTo();
         //PDActionGoTo action1= new PDActionGoTo();
         txtLink1.setAction (action1);

         // Position
         final PDRectangle position = new PDRectangle ();
         position.setLowerLeftX (10);
         position.setLowerLeftY (10);
         position.setUpperRightX (200);
         position.setUpperRightY (10 + 2 + 10 + 2);
         txtLink.setRectangle (position);
         page.getAnnotations().add (txtLink);
      // Position
         final PDRectangle position1 = new PDRectangle ();
         position1.setLowerLeftX (10);
         position1.setLowerLeftY (90);
         position1.setUpperRightX (200);
         position1.setUpperRightY (90 + 2 + 10 + 2);
         txtLink1.setRectangle (position1);
         page.getAnnotations().add (txtLink1);

         // Main page content
         contentStream.beginText ();
         contentStream.newLineAtOffset (12, 12);
         contentStream.setFont (PDType1Font.COURIER_BOLD, 10);
         contentStream.showText ("This is linked to the outside world");
         contentStream.endText ();
         contentStream.beginText ();
         contentStream.newLineAtOffset (12, 92);
         contentStream.setFont (PDType1Font.COURIER_BOLD, 10);
         contentStream.showText ("This is linked to the outside world 111111111111");
         contentStream.endText ();
     * Write texLine ant a possition and create a link to a file in the same folder and adds an image to the top of the page.
     * @param doc
     * @param textLine
     * @param posX
     * @param posY
     * @param linkedPDFRelativePath
     * @param imageHeaderPath
     * @return
     * @throws IOException
    public static final PDDocument newTextWithLink(PDDocument doc, String textLine, int posX, int posY, String linkedPDFRelativePath, String imageHeaderPath) throws IOException {
        PDPage page=null;
        if (doc==null) doc = new PDDocument ();
        int lastPage= doc.getNumberOfPages()-1;
        if (lastPage<0 || posY<136) {
            page = new PDPage (PDRectangle.A4);
            doc.addPage (page);
            float scale=0.55f;
            PDImageXObject pdImage = PDImageXObject.createFromFile(imageHeaderPath, doc);
            PDPageContentStream headerContentStream = new PDPageContentStream(doc, page,AppendMode.APPEND,false);
            //headerContentStream.drawImage(pdImage, 10, page.getMediaBox().getHeight()-130);
            headerContentStream.drawImage(pdImage, 10, page.getMediaBox().getHeight()-100,
                    pdImage.getWidth()* scale, pdImage.getHeight() * scale);
            headerContentStream.beginText ();
            headerContentStream.newLineAtOffset (200, page.getMediaBox().getHeight() - 110);
            //contentStream.setFont (PDType1Font.COURIER_BOLD, 14);
            headerContentStream.setFont(PDType1Font.HELVETICA_BOLD, 16);
            headerContentStream.showText ("RELACI�" DE DECRETS");
            headerContentStream.newLineAtOffset (0, page.getMediaBox().getHeight() - 500);
            headerContentStream.endText ();
            headerContentStream.beginText ();
            headerContentStream.newLineAtOffset (page.getMediaBox().getWidth()-100, 50 );
            headerContentStream.setFont(PDType1Font.HELVETICA_OBLIQUE, 12);
            int myPage=lastPage+2;
            headerContentStream.showText ("Pàgina:" + myPage);
            headerContentStream.endText ();
            //headerContentStream.drawLine(0, 0, posY, lastPage);
            headerContentStream.moveTo(200, page.getMediaBox().getHeight() - 110-4);
            headerContentStream.lineTo(383, page.getMediaBox().getHeight() - 110-4);
            for (int i=0; i<100; i++) {
                //headerContentStream.drawLine(0, 0, 300, 400+i);
        } else page=doc.getPage(lastPage);
        PDPageContentStream contentStream = new PDPageContentStream (doc, page,AppendMode.APPEND, false);
        PDAnnotationLink txtLink = new PDAnnotationLink ();
        // border style
        PDBorderStyleDictionary linkBorder = new PDBorderStyleDictionary ();
        //linkBorder.setStyle (PDBorderStyleDictionary.STYLE_UNDERLINE);
        linkBorder.setStyle (PDBorderStyleDictionary.STYLE_BEVELED);
        linkBorder.setWidth (0);
        txtLink.setBorderStyle (linkBorder);

        // Border color (NOT USED)
        //final Color color = Color.GREEN;
        final Color color = Color.CYAN;
        final float [] components = new float [] { color.getRed()/255f, color.getGreen()/255f, color.getBlue()/255f };
        txtLink.setColor (new PDColor (components, PDDeviceRGB.INSTANCE));

        // Destination URI
        final PDActionURI action = new PDActionURI ();
        //action.setURI ("https://www.helger.com"); //OK
        //action.setURI ("pdf.pdf"); //OK
        //action.setURI ("file:///home/edu/Documentos/Transporte%20Musical.pdf"); //OK
        //action.setURI ("Transporte Musical.pdf"); // OK
        //action.setURI ("file:///home/edu/Descargas/Diptico de VALIDe.pdf"); //OK
        //action.setURI ("/home/edu/Descargas/Diptico de VALIDe.pdf"); //MAL
        //action.setURI ("file://./Transporte%20Musical.pdf"); // MAL
        //action.setURI ("file://Transporte%20Musical.pdf"); // MAL
        //action.setURI ("file:Transporte%20Musical.pdf"); // MAL
        //action.setURI ("Transporte%20Musical.pdf"); // MAL
        //action.setURI ("//home/edu/Descargas/Diptico de VALIDe.pdf"); //MAL
        txtLink.setAction (action);
        // Position
        final PDRectangle position = new PDRectangle ();
        position.setLowerLeftX (posX);
        position.setLowerLeftY (page.getMediaBox().getHeight()-posY);
        position.setUpperRightX (page.getMediaBox().getUpperRightX()-posX);
        position.setUpperRightY (page.getMediaBox().getHeight() -(posY + 2 + 10 + 2));
        txtLink.setRectangle (position);
        page.getAnnotations().add (txtLink);
        // Main page content
        contentStream.beginText ();
        contentStream.newLineAtOffset (posX, page.getMediaBox().getHeight() - (posY + 2 + 10 + 2));
        //contentStream.setFont (PDType1Font.COURIER_BOLD, 14);
        contentStream.setFont(PDType1Font.HELVETICA_OBLIQUE, 12);
        final Color color1 = Color.BLUE;
        final float [] components1 = new float [] { color1.getRed()/255f, color1.getGreen()/255f, color1.getBlue()/255f };
        //contentStream.setStrokingColor(new PDColor (components1, PDDeviceRGB.INSTANCE));
        contentStream.setNonStrokingColor(new PDColor (components1, PDDeviceRGB.INSTANCE));
        contentStream.showText ( textLine);
        contentStream.endText ();
        return doc; 
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        //html2Pdf("/home/edu/TYPESCRIPT/prova20/pdf.html", "/home/edu/TYPESCRIPT/prova20/pdf.pdf");
        //Create a PDF document with a header
        PDDocument doc=null;
        int posX=80;
        int posY=135-25;
        for (int i=0; i<100; i++) {
            posY =posY +20;
            if (posY>PDRectangle.A4.getHeight()-90) posY=135;
            //doc= newTextWithLink(doc, "Hola " +i, 20, posY, "doc"+i+".pdf", "/home/edu/Imágenes/escut.png");
            String headerFile=FileUtilsEdu.getPathFromResourcesFolder("images/capsalera.png");
            doc= newTextWithLink(doc, "Hola " +i, posX, posY, "doc"+i+".pdf", headerFile);
     * PARAGRAPHS !!!
     * see https://memorynotfound.com/apache-pdfbox-adding-multiline-paragraph/

    public static void main(String... args)  {
        PDFont FONT = PDType1Font.HELVETICA;
        float FONT_SIZE = 12;
        //float LEADING = -1.5f * FONT_SIZE;
        //float LEADING = 1.5f * FONT_SIZE;
        float LEADING = 1.1f * FONT_SIZE;

        try (final PDDocument doc = new PDDocument()){

            PDPage page = new PDPage();
            PDPageContentStream contentStream = new PDPageContentStream(doc, page);

            PDRectangle mediaBox = page.getMediaBox();
            float marginY = 80;
            float marginX = 60;
            float width = mediaBox.getWidth() - 2 * marginX;
            float startX = mediaBox.getLowerLeftX() + marginX;
            float startY = mediaBox.getUpperRightY() - marginY;
            float posY=startY;

            String text = "Lorem ipsum\n dolor sit amet, \nconsectetur adipiscing elit, \nsed do eiusmod tempor incididunt" +
                    " ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco" +
                    " laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in " +
                    " ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco" +
                    " laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in " +
                    "voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat" +
                    " non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.";

            addParagraph(contentStream, width, startX, startY, text, true, FONT_SIZE, FONT, LEADING, Color.BLACK, posY);
            addParagraph(contentStream, width, 0, -FONT_SIZE, text, FONT_SIZE, FONT, LEADING, Color.BLACK, posY);
            addParagraph(contentStream, width, 0, -FONT_SIZE, text, false, FONT_SIZE, FONT, LEADING, Color.BLACK, posY);


            doc.save(new File("/tmp/example.pdf"));
        } catch (IOException e){
            System.err.println("Exception while trying to create pdf document - " + e);

    public static float addParagraph(PDPageContentStream contentStream, float width, float sx,
                                      float sy, String text, float fontSize, PDFont font, float leading, Color color, float posY) throws IOException {
        return addParagraph(contentStream, width, sx, sy, text, false, fontSize, font, leading, color, posY);

    public static float addParagraph(PDPageContentStream contentStream, float width, float sx,
                                      float sy, String text, boolean justify, float fontSize, PDFont font, Float leading, Color color, float posY) throws IOException {
        List<String> lines = parseLines(text, width, fontSize, font);
        return addParagraph(contentStream, width, sx, sy,  lines ,  justify,  fontSize, font, leading, color, posY);

    public static float addParagraph(PDPageContentStream contentStream, float width, float sx,
                                      float sy, List<String> lines , boolean justify, float fontSize, PDFont font, Float leading, Color color, float posY) throws IOException {
        //List<String> lines = parseLines(text, width, fontSize, font);
        if (color==null) color=Color.BLACK;
        final float [] components1 = new float [] { color.getRed()/255f, color.getGreen()/255f, color.getBlue()/255f };
        contentStream.setNonStrokingColor(new PDColor (components1, PDDeviceRGB.INSTANCE));
        contentStream.setFont(font, fontSize);
        contentStream.newLineAtOffset(sx, sy);
        for (String line: lines) {
            float charSpacing = 0;
            if (justify){
                if (line.length() > 1) {
                    float size = fontSize * font.getStringWidth(line) / 1000;
                    float free = width - size;
                    if (free<0.15*width && free > 0 && !lines.get(lines.size() - 1).equals(line)) {
                        charSpacing = free / (line.length() - 1);
            line = arregla(line);
            if (line.contains("?9")) {
            //contentStream.newLineAtOffset(0, leading);
            contentStream.newLineAtOffset(0, -Math.round(leading));
        return posY;

    public static List<String> parseLines(String text, float width, float fontSize, PDFont font) throws IOException {
        List<String> lines = new ArrayList<String>();
        int lastSpace = -1;
        while (text.length() > 0) {
            int spaceIndex = text.indexOf(' ', lastSpace + 1);
            if (spaceIndex < 0)
                spaceIndex = text.length();
            String subString = text.substring(0, spaceIndex);
            if (subString.contains("?9")) {
            int newLineIndex = subString.indexOf('\n');
            if (newLineIndex>=0) {
                subString = text.substring(0, newLineIndex);
                subString = arregla(subString);
                text = text.substring(newLineIndex+1).trim();
                lastSpace = -1;
            } else {
                //float size = FONT_SIZE * FONT.getStringWidth(subString) / 1000;
                float size = fontSize * font.getStringWidth(subString) / 1000;
                if (size > width) {
                    if (lastSpace < 0){
                        lastSpace = spaceIndex;
                    subString = text.substring(0, lastSpace);
                    subString = arregla(subString);
                    text = text.substring(lastSpace).trim();
                    lastSpace = -1;
                } else if (spaceIndex == text.length()) {
                    text = arregla(text);
                    text = "";
                } else {
                    lastSpace = spaceIndex;
        return lines;
    public static String arregla(String linea) {
        return linea
            .replace("\n", "").replace("\r", "")
             .replace("\u2019", "'").replace("\u0092", "'")
             .replace("\u0080", "€").replace("\u0009", "€")
             .replace("\u0093", "") .replace("\u0094", "")
             .replace("\u0015", " ").replace("\u0095", " "); //U+000D ('controlCR')
    public static byte[] getContent(PDDocument doc) throws IOException {
        ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        return byteArrayOutputStream.toByteArray();

5.   PDF_AUtils.class

This class is for converting PDF to PDF-A

package openadmin.utils.decrets;

import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;

import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException;

import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDDocument;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.common.PDMetadata;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.graphics.color.PDOutputIntent;
import org.apache.xmpbox.XMPMetadata;
import org.apache.xmpbox.schema.DublinCoreSchema;
import org.apache.xmpbox.schema.PDFAIdentificationSchema;
import org.apache.xmpbox.type.BadFieldValueException;
import org.apache.xmpbox.xml.XmpSerializer;

import ximodante.basic.utils.basic.ExecutionTypeEnum;
import ximodante.basic.utils.basic.FileUtilsEdu;

public class PDF_AUtils {
    // Convert a PDF 1.4 to 1.7 (PDF/A) s/Jesús Romero
    public static PDDocument setVersionPDFA(PDDocument doc, String fileName, ExecutionTypeEnum execType) {
        // add XMP metadata
        XMPMetadata xmp = XMPMetadata.createXMPMetadata();
        try {
            DublinCoreSchema dc = xmp.createAndAddDublinCoreSchema();

            PDFAIdentificationSchema id = xmp.createAndAddPFAIdentificationSchema();

            XmpSerializer serializer = new XmpSerializer();
            ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
            serializer.serialize(xmp, baos, true);

            PDMetadata metadata = new PDMetadata(doc);
            // sRGB output intent
            //InputStream colorProfile = PDF_AUtils.class.getResourceAsStream("/org/apache/pdfbox/resources/pdfa/sRGB.icc");
            String fileICM=FileUtilsEdu.getRelativeResourceFile(execType, "icm"+File.separator+ "sRGB_Color_Space_Profile.icm");
            InputStream colorProfile = new  FileInputStream(fileICM);
            PDOutputIntent intent;
            intent = new PDOutputIntent(doc, colorProfile);
            intent.setInfo("sRGB IEC61966-2.1");
            intent.setOutputCondition("sRGB IEC61966-2.1");
            intent.setOutputConditionIdentifier("sRGB IEC61966-2.1");

        } catch (BadFieldValueException e) {
            // won't happen here, as the provided value is valid
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(e);
        } catch (TransformerException e) {
        } catch (IOException e) {
        } catch (Exception e) {
        return doc;


    public static void main(String[] args) {


        PDPageContentStream contentStream = new PDPageContentStream (doc, page);
        PDAnnotationLink txtLink = new PDAnnotationLink ();
        PDAnnotationLink txtLink1 = new PDAnnotationLink ();

          // border style
         PDBorderStyleDictionary linkBorder = new PDBorderStyleDictionary ();
         linkBorder.setStyle (PDBorderStyleDictionary.STYLE_UNDERLINE);
         linkBorder.setWidth (10);
         txtLink.setBorderStyle (linkBorder);
         txtLink1.setBorderStyle (linkBorder);

         // Border color
         final Color color = Color.GREEN;
         final float [] components = new float [] { color.getRed () / 255f, color.getGreen () / 255f, color.getBlue () / 255f };
         txtLink.setColor (new PDColor (components, PDDeviceRGB.INSTANCE));
         txtLink1.setColor (new PDColor (components, PDDeviceRGB.INSTANCE));

         // Destination URI
         final PDActionURI action = new PDActionURI ();
         //action.setURI ("https://www.helger.com"); //OK
         //action.setURI ("pdf.pdf"); //OK
         //action.setURI ("/home/edu/Descargas/Diptico de VALIDe.pdf"); //MAL
         //action.setURI ("file:///home/edu/Documentos/Transporte%20Musical.pdf"); //OK
         //action.setURI ("file://./Transporte%20Musical.pdf"); // MAL
         //action.setURI ("file://Transporte%20Musical.pdf"); // MAL
         //action.setURI ("file:Transporte%20Musical.pdf"); // MAL
         //action.setURI ("Transporte%20Musical.pdf"); // MAL
         action.setURI ("Transporte Musical.pdf"); // BIEN
         //action.setURI ("//home/edu/Descargas/Diptico de VALIDe.pdf"); //MAL
         //action.setURI ("file:///home/edu/Descargas/Diptico de VALIDe.pdf"); //OK
         txtLink.setAction (action);
         //Destination file
         //PDSimpleFileSpecification dest=new PDSimpleFileSpecification();
         PDFileSpecification dest=new PDSimpleFileSpecification();
         dest.setFile("/home/edu/Descargas/Diptico de VALIDe.pdf");
         PDActionRemoteGoTo action1= new PDActionRemoteGoTo();
         //PDActionGoTo action1= new PDActionGoTo();
         txtLink1.setAction (action1);

         // Position
         final PDRectangle position = new PDRectangle ();
         position.setLowerLeftX (10);
         position.setLowerLeftY (10);
         position.setUpperRightX (200);
         position.setUpperRightY (10 + 2 + 10 + 2);
         txtLink.setRectangle (position);
         page.getAnnotations().add (txtLink);
      // Position
         final PDRectangle position1 = new PDRectangle ();
         position1.setLowerLeftX (10);
         position1.setLowerLeftY (90);
         position1.setUpperRightX (200);
         position1.setUpperRightY (90 + 2 + 10 + 2);
         txtLink1.setRectangle (position1);
         page.getAnnotations().add (txtLink1);

         // Main page content
         contentStream.beginText ();
         contentStream.newLineAtOffset (12, 12);
         contentStream.setFont (PDType1Font.COURIER_BOLD, 10);
         contentStream.showText ("This is linked to the outside world");
         contentStream.endText ();
         contentStream.beginText ();
         contentStream.newLineAtOffset (12, 92);
         contentStream.setFont (PDType1Font.COURIER_BOLD, 10);
         contentStream.showText ("This is linked to the outside world 111111111111");
         contentStream.endText ();
     * Write texLine ant a possition and create a link to a file in the same folder and adds an image to the top of the page.
     * @param doc
     * @param textLine
     * @param posX
     * @param posY
     * @param linkedPDFRelativePath
     * @param imageHeaderPath
     * @return
     * @throws IOException
    public static final PDDocument newTextWithLink(PDDocument doc, String textLine, int posX, int posY, String linkedPDFRelativePath, String imageHeaderPath) throws IOException {
        PDPage page=null;
        if (doc==null) doc = new PDDocument ();
        int lastPage= doc.getNumberOfPages()-1;
        if (lastPage<0 || posY<136) {
            page = new PDPage (PDRectangle.A4);
            doc.addPage (page);
            float scale=0.55f;
            PDImageXObject pdImage = PDImageXObject.createFromFile(imageHeaderPath, doc);
            PDPageContentStream headerContentStream = new PDPageContentStream(doc, page,AppendMode.APPEND,false);
            //headerContentStream.drawImage(pdImage, 10, page.getMediaBox().getHeight()-130);
            headerContentStream.drawImage(pdImage, 10, page.getMediaBox().getHeight()-100,
                    pdImage.getWidth()* scale, pdImage.getHeight() * scale);
            headerContentStream.beginText ();
            headerContentStream.newLineAtOffset (200, page.getMediaBox().getHeight() - 110);
            //contentStream.setFont (PDType1Font.COURIER_BOLD, 14);
            headerContentStream.setFont(PDType1Font.HELVETICA_BOLD, 16);
            headerContentStream.showText ("RELACI�" DE DECRETS");
            headerContentStream.newLineAtOffset (0, page.getMediaBox().getHeight() - 500);
            headerContentStream.endText ();
            headerContentStream.beginText ();
            headerContentStream.newLineAtOffset (page.getMediaBox().getWidth()-100, 50 );
            headerContentStream.setFont(PDType1Font.HELVETICA_OBLIQUE, 12);
            int myPage=lastPage+2;
            headerContentStream.showText ("Pàgina:" + myPage);
            headerContentStream.endText ();
            //headerContentStream.drawLine(0, 0, posY, lastPage);
            headerContentStream.moveTo(200, page.getMediaBox().getHeight() - 110-4);
            headerContentStream.lineTo(383, page.getMediaBox().getHeight() - 110-4);
            for (int i=0; i<100; i++) {
                //headerContentStream.drawLine(0, 0, 300, 400+i);
        } else page=doc.getPage(lastPage);
        PDPageContentStream contentStream = new PDPageContentStream (doc, page,AppendMode.APPEND, false);
        PDAnnotationLink txtLink = new PDAnnotationLink ();
        // border style
        PDBorderStyleDictionary linkBorder = new PDBorderStyleDictionary ();
        //linkBorder.setStyle (PDBorderStyleDictionary.STYLE_UNDERLINE);
        linkBorder.setStyle (PDBorderStyleDictionary.STYLE_BEVELED);
        linkBorder.setWidth (0);
        txtLink.setBorderStyle (linkBorder);

        // Border color (NOT USED)
        //final Color color = Color.GREEN;
        final Color color = Color.CYAN;
        final float [] components = new float [] { color.getRed()/255f, color.getGreen()/255f, color.getBlue()/255f };
        txtLink.setColor (new PDColor (components, PDDeviceRGB.INSTANCE));

        // Destination URI
        final PDActionURI action = new PDActionURI ();
        //action.setURI ("https://www.helger.com"); //OK
        //action.setURI ("pdf.pdf"); //OK
        //action.setURI ("file:///home/edu/Documentos/Transporte%20Musical.pdf"); //OK
        //action.setURI ("Transporte Musical.pdf"); // OK
        //action.setURI ("file:///home/edu/Descargas/Diptico de VALIDe.pdf"); //OK
        //action.setURI ("/home/edu/Descargas/Diptico de VALIDe.pdf"); //MAL
        //action.setURI ("file://./Transporte%20Musical.pdf"); // MAL
        //action.setURI ("file://Transporte%20Musical.pdf"); // MAL
        //action.setURI ("file:Transporte%20Musical.pdf"); // MAL
        //action.setURI ("Transporte%20Musical.pdf"); // MAL
        //action.setURI ("//home/edu/Descargas/Diptico de VALIDe.pdf"); //MAL
        txtLink.setAction (action);
        // Position
        final PDRectangle position = new PDRectangle ();
        position.setLowerLeftX (posX);
        position.setLowerLeftY (page.getMediaBox().getHeight()-posY);
        position.setUpperRightX (page.getMediaBox().getUpperRightX()-posX);
        position.setUpperRightY (page.getMediaBox().getHeight() -(posY + 2 + 10 + 2));
        txtLink.setRectangle (position);
        page.getAnnotations().add (txtLink);
        // Main page content
        contentStream.beginText ();
        contentStream.newLineAtOffset (posX, page.getMediaBox().getHeight() - (posY + 2 + 10 + 2));
        //contentStream.setFont (PDType1Font.COURIER_BOLD, 14);
        contentStream.setFont(PDType1Font.HELVETICA_OBLIQUE, 12);
        final Color color1 = Color.BLUE;
        final float [] components1 = new float [] { color1.getRed()/255f, color1.getGreen()/255f, color1.getBlue()/255f };
        //contentStream.setStrokingColor(new PDColor (components1, PDDeviceRGB.INSTANCE));
        contentStream.setNonStrokingColor(new PDColor (components1, PDDeviceRGB.INSTANCE));
        contentStream.showText ( textLine);
        contentStream.endText ();
        return doc; 
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        //html2Pdf("/home/edu/TYPESCRIPT/prova20/pdf.html", "/home/edu/TYPESCRIPT/prova20/pdf.pdf");
        //Create a PDF document with a header
        PDDocument doc=null;
        int posX=80;
        int posY=135-25;
        for (int i=0; i<100; i++) {
            posY =posY +20;
            if (posY>PDRectangle.A4.getHeight()-90) posY=135;
            //doc= newTextWithLink(doc, "Hola " +i, 20, posY, "doc"+i+".pdf", "/home/edu/Imágenes/escut.png");
            String headerFile=FileUtilsEdu.getPathFromResourcesFolder("images/capsalera.png");
            doc= newTextWithLink(doc, "Hola " +i, posX, posY, "doc"+i+".pdf", headerFile);
     * PARAGRAPHS !!!
     * see https://memorynotfound.com/apache-pdfbox-adding-multiline-paragraph/

    public static void main(String... args)  {
        PDFont FONT = PDType1Font.HELVETICA;
        float FONT_SIZE = 12;
        //float LEADING = -1.5f * FONT_SIZE;
        //float LEADING = 1.5f * FONT_SIZE;
        float LEADING = 1.1f * FONT_SIZE;

        try (final PDDocument doc = new PDDocument()){

            PDPage page = new PDPage();
            PDPageContentStream contentStream = new PDPageContentStream(doc, page);

            PDRectangle mediaBox = page.getMediaBox();
            float marginY = 80;
            float marginX = 60;
            float width = mediaBox.getWidth() - 2 * marginX;
            float startX = mediaBox.getLowerLeftX() + marginX;
            float startY = mediaBox.getUpperRightY() - marginY;
            float posY=startY;

            String text = "Lorem ipsum\n dolor sit amet, \nconsectetur adipiscing elit, \nsed do eiusmod tempor incididunt" +
                    " ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco" +
                    " laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in " +
                    " ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco" +
                    " laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in " +
                    "voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat" +
                    " non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.";

            addParagraph(contentStream, width, startX, startY, text, true, FONT_SIZE, FONT, LEADING, Color.BLACK, posY);
            addParagraph(contentStream, width, 0, -FONT_SIZE, text, FONT_SIZE, FONT, LEADING, Color.BLACK, posY);
            addParagraph(contentStream, width, 0, -FONT_SIZE, text, false, FONT_SIZE, FONT, LEADING, Color.BLACK, posY);


            doc.save(new File("/tmp/example.pdf"));
        } catch (IOException e){
            System.err.println("Exception while trying to create pdf document - " + e);

    public static float addParagraph(PDPageContentStream contentStream, float width, float sx,
                                      float sy, String text, float fontSize, PDFont font, float leading, Color color, float posY) throws IOException {
        return addParagraph(contentStream, width, sx, sy, text, false, fontSize, font, leading, color, posY);

    public static float addParagraph(PDPageContentStream contentStream, float width, float sx,
                                      float sy, String text, boolean justify, float fontSize, PDFont font, Float leading, Color color, float posY) throws IOException {
        List<String> lines = parseLines(text, width, fontSize, font);
        return addParagraph(contentStream, width, sx, sy,  lines ,  justify,  fontSize, font, leading, color, posY);

    public static float addParagraph(PDPageContentStream contentStream, float width, float sx,
                                      float sy, List<String> lines , boolean justify, float fontSize, PDFont font, Float leading, Color color, float posY) throws IOException {
        //List<String> lines = parseLines(text, width, fontSize, font);
        if (color==null) color=Color.BLACK;
        final float [] components1 = new float [] { color.getRed()/255f, color.getGreen()/255f, color.getBlue()/255f };
        contentStream.setNonStrokingColor(new PDColor (components1, PDDeviceRGB.INSTANCE));
        contentStream.setFont(font, fontSize);
        contentStream.newLineAtOffset(sx, sy);
        for (String line: lines) {
            float charSpacing = 0;
            if (justify){
                if (line.length() > 1) {
                    float size = fontSize * font.getStringWidth(line) / 1000;
                    float free = width - size;
                    if (free<0.15*width && free > 0 && !lines.get(lines.size() - 1).equals(line)) {
                        charSpacing = free / (line.length() - 1);
            line = arregla(line);
            if (line.contains("?9")) {
            //contentStream.newLineAtOffset(0, leading);
            contentStream.newLineAtOffset(0, -Math.round(leading));
        return posY;

    public static List<String> parseLines(String text, float width, float fontSize, PDFont font) throws IOException {
        List<String> lines = new ArrayList<String>();
        int lastSpace = -1;
        while (text.length() > 0) {
            int spaceIndex = text.indexOf(' ', lastSpace + 1);
            if (spaceIndex < 0)
                spaceIndex = text.length();
            String subString = text.substring(0, spaceIndex);
            if (subString.contains("?9")) {
            int newLineIndex = subString.indexOf('\n');
            if (newLineIndex>=0) {
                subString = text.substring(0, newLineIndex);
                subString = arregla(subString);
                text = text.substring(newLineIndex+1).trim();
                lastSpace = -1;
            } else {
                //float size = FONT_SIZE * FONT.getStringWidth(subString) / 1000;
                float size = fontSize * font.getStringWidth(subString) / 1000;
                if (size > width) {
                    if (lastSpace < 0){
                        lastSpace = spaceIndex;
                    subString = text.substring(0, lastSpace);
                    subString = arregla(subString);
                    text = text.substring(lastSpace).trim();
                    lastSpace = -1;
                } else if (spaceIndex == text.length()) {
                    text = arregla(text);
                    text = "";
                } else {
                    lastSpace = spaceIndex;
        return lines;
    public static String arregla(String linea) {
        return linea
            .replace("\n", "").replace("\r", "")
             .replace("\u2019", "'").replace("\u0092", "'")
             .replace("\u0080", "€").replace("\u0009", "€")
             .replace("\u0093", "") .replace("\u0094", "")
             .replace("\u0015", " ").replace("\u0095", " "); //U+000D ('controlCR')
    public static byte[] getContent(PDDocument doc) throws IOException {
        ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        return byteArrayOutputStream.toByteArray();

6.   PDFTables.class

This class is for managing classes in a PDF document

package openadmin.utils.decrets;

import java.awt.Color;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDDocument;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDPage;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDPageContentStream;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDPageContentStream.AppendMode;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.common.PDRectangle;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.font.PDFont;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.font.PDType0Font;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.font.PDType1Font;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.graphics.color.PDColor;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.graphics.color.PDDeviceRGB;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.graphics.image.PDImageXObject;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.interactive.action.PDActionURI;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.interactive.annotation.PDAnnotationLink;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.interactive.annotation.PDBorderStyleDictionary;

import be.quodlibet.boxable.BaseTable;
import be.quodlibet.boxable.Cell;
import be.quodlibet.boxable.HorizontalAlignment;
import be.quodlibet.boxable.Row;
import be.quodlibet.boxable.VerticalAlignment;
import ximodante.basic.utils.basic.ExecutionTypeEnum;
import ximodante.basic.utils.basic.FileUtilsEdu;

public class PDFTables {

     * Creates a table
     * @param yStart
     * @param yStartNewPage
     * @param bottomMargin
     * @param tableWidth
     * @param margin
     * @param rowHeigth
     * @param document
     * @param currentPage
     * @param drawLines
     * @param drawContent
     * @param content
     * @throws IOException
    public static void createTable(float yStart, float yStartNewPage, float bottomMargin, float tableWidth, float margin,  float rowHeigth, PDDocument document, PDPage currentPage, boolean drawLines, boolean drawContent, String[][] content) throws IOException {
        BaseTable table = new BaseTable( yStart, yStartNewPage, bottomMargin, tableWidth, margin, document, currentPage, true, drawContent);
        //Create Header row
        Row<PDPage> headerRow = table.createRow(15f); //Heigth
        Cell<PDPage> cell = headerRow.createCell(100, "Awesome Facts About Belgium");
        for (String[] lineContent : content) {
            int nCols=lineContent.length;
            Row<PDPage> row = table.createRow(rowHeigth); //Heigth
            //cell = row.createCell((100 / 3.0f) * 2, lineContent[0]);
            cell = row.createCell((100 / nCols) , lineContent[0]);
            for (int i = 1; i < lineContent.length; i++) {
                //cell = row.createCell((100 / 9f), lineContent[i]);
                cell = row.createCell((100 / nCols), lineContent[i]);
     * Verify that the arrays have the corrent dimensions
     * @param proportions 1 dimension Array of proportion of the cells
     * @param titles 1 dimension Array of titles of the table
     * @param content 2 dimension array of the content
     * @param links 2 dimension array of the links to the documents
     * @return true if no errors
     * @throws Exception if error
    private static boolean checkErrors_createTable01(float[] proportions, String[] titles, List<String[]> content, List<String[]> links) throws Exception {
        if (proportions.length!=links.get(0).length) throw new Exception("ERROR in createTable01: links must have the same number of components as proportions");
        if (content.get(0).length!=links.get(0).length) throw new Exception("ERROR in createTable01: content must have the same number of components as proportions");
        if (proportions.length!=titles.length) throw new Exception("ERROR in createTable01: proportions must have the same number of components as titles");
        return true;
     * Sum the array element
     * @param values
     * @return
    public static float sum(float[] values) {
        float total=0;
        for (float value: values) total +=value;
        return total;
     * Get the column withs 
     * @param tableWidth
     * @param proportions
     * @return
    public static float[] getwidths(float tableWidth, float[] proportions) {
        float[] widths= new float[proportions.length];
        float total=sum(proportions);
        for (int i=0; i<proportions.length; i++) {
        return widths;
     * Get the x position of the beginning of the cells
     * @param leftMargin
     * @param tableWidth
     * @param proportions
     * @return
    public static float[] getPosXs(float leftMargin, float tableWidth, float[] proportions) {
        float[] posXs= new float[proportions.length];
        float[] widths= getwidths(tableWidth, proportions) ;
        for (int i=0; i<proportions.length; i++) {
            if (i==0) posXs[i]=leftMargin;
            else posXs[i]=posXs[i-1]+widths[i-1];
        return posXs;
     * Create a table and return a map whose key is the row of the table and its values
     *   are for the cells that have a link
     *   Note that we cannot crete links with this library, so the links must be created 
     *     after the table is created
     *   The fields of the map are:
     *   myHeight: Height of the row (or the cell)
     *   line: row number, 
     *   i: column number, 
     *   row.getHeight(): Height of the row, 
     *   links[line][i]: the link of the cell
     *   posXs[i]: x position
     *   widths[i]; Widrh of the cell
     * @param yStart
     * @param yStartNewPage
     * @param bottomMargin
     * @param tableWidth
     * @param leftMargin
     * @param rowHeigth
     * @param document
     * @param currentPage
     * @param drawLines
     * @param drawContent
     * @param proportions
     * @param titles
     * @param titleRotates
     * @param content
     * @param textRotates
     * @param links
     * @return
     * @throws Exception
    public static Map<Integer,List<Object[]>> createTable01(float yStart, float yStartNewPage, float bottomMargin, 
            float tableWidth, float leftMargin,  float rowHeigth, PDDocument document, PDPage currentPage, 
            boolean drawLines, boolean drawContent, float[] proportions,String[] titles, boolean[] titleRotates, 
            //String[][] content, boolean[] textRotates, String[][] links) 
            List<String[]> content, boolean[] textRotates, boolean[] textLinks,List<String[]> links, ExecutionTypeEnum execType)
                    throws Exception {
        checkErrors_createTable01(proportions, titles, content, links);
        float totalProportion=sum(proportions);
        float[] widths=getwidths(tableWidth, proportions);
        float[] posXs=getPosXs(leftMargin, tableWidth, proportions);
        PDFont FONT = PDType0Font.load(document, new File(FileUtilsEdu.getRelativeResourceFile(execType, "fonts/Arial.ttf")));
        PDFont FONT_ITALIC = PDType0Font.load(document, new File(FileUtilsEdu.getRelativeResourceFile(execType, "fonts/Arial-corsivo.ttf")));
         PDFont FONT_BOLD = PDType0Font.load(document, new File(FileUtilsEdu.getRelativeResourceFile(execType, "fonts/FontsFree-Net-arial-bold.ttf")));     
         float FONT_SIZE = 9;
        Map<Integer,List<Object[]>> possitions=new HashMap<Integer,List<Object[]>>();
        //float pageHeight=currentPage.getMediaBox().getHeight();
        BaseTable table = new BaseTable( yStart, yStartNewPage, bottomMargin, tableWidth, leftMargin, document, currentPage, true, drawContent);
        //Create Header row
        Row<PDPage> headerRow = table.createRow(15f); //Heigth
        for (int i = 0; i < posXs.length; i++) {
            Cell<PDPage> cell = headerRow.createCell((100 *proportions[i]/totalProportion), titles[i]);
            if (titleRotates[i]) cell.setTextRotated(titleRotates[i]);
            else {
        float myHeight=yStart- headerRow.getHeight();
        int nPage=0;
        int line=0;
        List<Object[]> lst=new ArrayList<Object[]>();
        for (String[] lineContent : content) {
            int nCols=lineContent.length;
            Row<PDPage> row = table.createRow(rowHeigth); //Heigth
            //cell = row.createCell((100 / 3.0f) * 2, lineContent[0]);
            //cell = row.createCell((100 / nCols) , lineContent[0]);
            //cell = row.createCell((100 *proportions[0]/totalProportion), lineContent[0]);
            cell = row.createTableCell((100 *proportions[0]/totalProportion),
                    document, currentPage, 0, 0, 0);

            for (int i = 0; i < nCols; i++) {
                Cell<PDPage> cell = row.createCell((100 *proportions[i]/totalProportion), lineContent[i]);
                if (textLinks[i]) {
                } else {
                if (textRotates[i]) cell.setTextRotated(textRotates[i]);
            if (myHeight - row.getHeight()<bottomMargin) {
                myHeight=yStartNewPage- headerRow.getHeight();
                lst=new ArrayList<Object[]>();
            myHeight=myHeight - row.getHeight();
            //for (int i=0; i<links[line].length; i++) {
            String[] link=links.get(line);
            for (int i=0; i<link.length; i++) {
                if (link[i]!=null && link[i].trim().length()>0) {
                    Object[] objs= {myHeight, line, i, row.getHeight(), link[i], posXs[i], widths[i]};
        if (lst.size()>0) possitions.put(nPage,lst);
        return possitions;
     * Create the links in the cells that should contain links
     * @param doc
     * @param possitions
    public static void createLinks(PDDocument doc,Map<Integer,List<Object[]>>possitions) {
        Integer[] nPage= new Integer[1];
            //{myHeight, line, i, row.getHeight(), links[line][i], posXs[i], widths[i]};
            for(Object[] objs:lObs) {
                try {
                    addLink(doc, page, (String) objs[4], (float) objs[5], (float) objs[0], (float) objs[6], (float) objs[3]);
                } catch (IOException e) {
    public static void addPageNumbers(ExecutionTypeEnum execType, PDDocument doc, float leftMargin, float rightMargin, float topMargin, float bottomMargin) throws IOException, Exception {
        Integer[] nPage= {0, doc.getNumberOfPages()};
        float[] pos= {0, 0, 0, 0};
        PDFont FONT = PDType0Font.load(doc, new File(FileUtilsEdu.getRelativeResourceFile(execType, "fonts/Arial.ttf")));
         float fontSize=9;
         String imagePath=FileUtilsEdu.getRelativeResourceFile(execType, "images/capsalera1.png");
        PDImageXObject capsalera = PDImageXObject.createFromFile(imagePath,doc);
            try {
                if (nPage[0]==1) {
                    PDRectangle mediaBox = page.getMediaBox();
                    pos[0]= mediaBox.getWidth()-rightMargin- fontSize * FONT.getStringWidth("Pàg: 100 / "+nPage[1]) / 1000;
                    pos[1]= bottomMargin -fontSize;
                    pos[2]= mediaBox.getWidth() - 35/0.375f;
                    pos[3]= mediaBox.getHeight();
                PDPageContentStream contentStream = new PDPageContentStream(doc, page, AppendMode.APPEND, false);
                //contentStream.drawImage(capsalera, leftMargin, pos[3]-topMargin-30/0.375f,pos[2], 30/0.375f); //35
                if (nPage[0]>1)contentStream.drawImage(capsalera, leftMargin, pos[3]-35/0.375f,pos[2], 30/0.375f); //35
                //PDPageContentStream contentStream = new PDPageContentStream(doc, page, AppendMode.APPEND, false);
                contentStream.setFont(FONT, 10);
                contentStream.newLineAtOffset(pos[0], pos[1]);
                contentStream.showText("Pàg: "+nPage[0]+" / "+nPage[1]);
                contentStream.close(); // don't forget that one!
            } catch (IOException e) {
     * Add a link at a page in the positions indicated 
     * @param doc
     * @param page
     * @param linkedPDFRelativePath
     * @param posX
     * @param posY
     * @param width
     * @param height
     * @throws IOException
    public static void addLink(PDDocument doc, PDPage page, String linkedPDFRelativePath, float posX, float posY, float width, float height) throws IOException {
        //PDPageContentStream contentStream = new PDPageContentStream (doc, page,AppendMode.APPEND, false);
        PDAnnotationLink txtLink = new PDAnnotationLink ();
        // border style
        PDBorderStyleDictionary linkBorder = new PDBorderStyleDictionary ();
        //linkBorder.setStyle (PDBorderStyleDictionary.STYLE_UNDERLINE);
        linkBorder.setStyle (PDBorderStyleDictionary.STYLE_BEVELED);
        linkBorder.setWidth (0);
        txtLink.setBorderStyle (linkBorder);

        // Border color (NOT USED)
        //final Color color = Color.GREEN;
        final Color color = Color.CYAN;
        final float [] components = new float [] { color.getRed()/255f, color.getGreen()/255f, color.getBlue()/255f };
        txtLink.setColor (new PDColor (components, PDDeviceRGB.INSTANCE));

        // Destination URI
        final PDActionURI action = new PDActionURI ();
        txtLink.setAction (action);
        // Position
        final PDRectangle position = new PDRectangle ();
        position.setLowerLeftX (posX);
        position.setLowerLeftY (posY);
        position.setUpperRightX (posX+width);
        position.setUpperRightY (posY+height);
        txtLink.setRectangle (position);
        page.getAnnotations().add (txtLink);

    public static void main (String[] args) throws Exception {
        ExecutionTypeEnum execType=ExecutionTypeEnum.NO_JAR;
        PDFont FONT = PDType1Font.HELVETICA;
        float FONT_SIZE = 10;
        //float LEADING = -1.5f * FONT_SIZE;
        float LEADING = 1.5f * FONT_SIZE;
        PDDocument doc=new PDDocument();
        PDPage page = new PDPage();
        PDPageContentStream contentStream = new PDPageContentStream(doc, page);

        PDRectangle mediaBox = page.getMediaBox();
        float marginY = 80;
        float marginX = 60;
        float width = mediaBox.getWidth() - 2 * marginX;
        float startX = mediaBox.getLowerLeftX() + marginX;
        float startY = mediaBox.getUpperRightY() - marginY;
        float posY=startY;

        String text = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, \nsed do eiusmod tempor incididunt" +
                " ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco" +
                " laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in " +
                " ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco" +
                " laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in " +
                "voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat" +
                " non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.";

        PDFUtils.addParagraph(contentStream, width, startX, startY, text, true, FONT_SIZE, FONT, LEADING, Color.BLACK, posY);
        PDFUtils.addParagraph(contentStream, width, 0, -FONT_SIZE, text, FONT_SIZE, FONT, LEADING, Color.BLACK, posY);
        PDFUtils.addParagraph(contentStream, width, 0, -FONT_SIZE, text, false, FONT_SIZE, FONT, LEADING, Color.BLACK, posY);

        String[][] content= {
                {"202100001",">",">",">","Departament d'Informàtica0","Decret per a comprar 10 paelles gegants per a la joventud","15/10/2021"},
                {"202100002",">",">",">","Departament d'Informàtica1","Decret per a comprar 10 paelles gegants per a la joventud","15/11/2021"},
                {"202100003",">",">",">","Departament d'Informàtica2","Decret per a comprar 10 paelles gegants per a la joventud","15/12/2021"},
                {"202100004",">",">",">","Departament d'Informàtica3","Decret per a comprar 10 paelles gegants per a la joventud","3/9/2021"}
        String[][] links= {
        String[] titles= {"Núm Resolució","Original","Autèntic","ENI","Nom o designació","Descripcio","Data última firma"};
        boolean[] titleRotates= {false,true,true,true,false,false,false};
        boolean[] textRotates= {false,true,true,true,false,false,false};
        boolean[] textLinks= {false,true,true,true,false,false,false};
        float[] proportions={9.5f,2.5f,2.5f,2.5f,25f,35f,9.5f};
        //float margin = 50;
        float leftMargin = 25/0.375f;
        // starting y position is whole page height subtracted by top and bottom margin
        //float yStartNewPage = page.getMediaBox().getHeight() - (2 * margin);
        float yStart = page.getMediaBox().getHeight() - (500);
        float yStartNewPage = page.getMediaBox().getHeight() - (30 /0.375f);
        // we want table across whole page width (subtracted by left and right margin ofcourse)
        float tableWidth = page.getMediaBox().getWidth() - (25+20)/0.375f ;

        boolean drawContent = true;
        boolean drawLines = true;
        //float yStart = yStartNewPage;
        //float bottomMargin = 70;
        float bottomMargin = 20/0.375f;
        // y position is your coordinate of top left corner of the table
        float yPosition = 550;
        for (int i=0; i<content.length; i++) {
            String[] line=content[i];
            for (int j=0; j<line.length; j++) {
                content[i][j]=StringUtils.repeat(content[i][j], i+1);
        float rowHeight=20;
        float pageWidth = mediaBox.getWidth();
        float pageHeight = mediaBox.getHeight();
       // System.out.println("rightMargin="+rightMargin);
        //createTable(yStart, yStartNewPage, bottomMargin, tableWidth, margin, rowHeight, doc, page, drawLines, drawContent, content);
        Map<Integer,List<Object[]>> possitions= createTable01(yStart, yStartNewPage, bottomMargin, tableWidth, leftMargin, rowHeight, 
                doc, page, drawLines, drawContent, proportions, titles, titleRotates, Arrays.asList(content), textRotates, textLinks, Arrays.asList(links), execType);


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