ENI (3) Sedipuialba Consuming Web Services

1. Introduction

These main dependencies are used (gradle format):

  • 'org.projectlombok:lombok:1.18.24'
  • 'org.apache.commons:commons-lang3:3.12.0'
  • 'org.apache.cxf:cxf-core:3.5.4'
  • 'org.apache.cxf:cxf-rt-features-logging:3.5.4'
  • 'org.apache.cxf:cxf-rt-ws-security:3.5.4'
  • 'org.apache.cxf:cxf-rt-frontend-jaxws:3.5.4'
  • 'org.apache.cxf:cxf-rt-transports-http:3.5.4'
  • 'com.sun.xml.ws:jaxws-ri:2.3.5'
  • 'com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind:2.13.4'
  • 'com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype:jackson-datatype-jsr310:2.13.4'
  • 'org.glassfish.web:jakarta.servlet.jsp.jstl:2.0.0'
  • 'jakarta.servlet.jsp.jstl:jakarta.servlet.jsp.jstl-api:3.0.0'
  • 'org.slf4j:slf4j-api:2.0.4'
  • 'org.slf4j:slf4j-simple:2.0.4'

For consuming WS in Sedipualba these resources will be used

  1. A property file that stores all the parameters
  2. A general class for any WS (WsManger.java)
  3. A specific class with all the needed calls to Sedipualba. You can add more specific calls (WsAlba.java)
  4. Examples of using calls

2. Properties file

This is the property files, change your passwords and DIR3 codes and townhall codes


#  1.0.0 alba.sefycu.prod

#  1.0.1 alba.sefycu.demo

#  1.1.0 alba.segra.prod

#  1.1.1 alba.segra.demo

#  1,2.0 alba.segex.prod

#  1.2.1 alba.segex.demo

#  1.3.0 alba.seres.prod

#  1.3.1 alba.seres.demo

#  1.4.0 alba.seres_ciudadanos.prod

#  1.4.1 alba.seres_ciudadanos.demo

#  1.5.0 alba.directorio.prod

#  1.5.1 alba.directorio.demo

#  1.6.0 alba.sello.prod

#  1.6.1 alba.sello.demo

# parameters.prod
alba.param.entidad.prod= ayto-code
alba.param.dir3.prod= DIR3-code

# parameters.demo
alba.param.entidad.demo= ayto-code
alba.param.dir3.demo= DIR3-code

3. WsManager.java (The general class)

This is a general class for any WS
package ximodante.ws.utils;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;

import org.apache.cxf.binding.xml.interceptor.XMLMessageOutInterceptor;
import org.apache.cxf.endpoint.Client;

import org.apache.cxf.ext.logging.LoggingInInterceptor;

import org.apache.cxf.ext.logging.LoggingOutInterceptor;

import org.apache.cxf.jaxws.endpoint.dynamic.JaxWsDynamicClientFactory;

import lombok.Getter;
import ximodante.basic.utils.basic.StringUtilsEdu;
import ximodante.basic.utils.runthreads.RunThreadWithTimeOut;

public class WsManager {
    //1. Collection of ws-client, ws-class loader and ws package(?) and properties
    @Getter private Map<String, List<Object>> mpClients=new HashMap<String,List<Object>>();
    @Getter private Properties propsWs=null;
    @Getter private long timeOut=20000L;
    @Getter private boolean isInfo=false;

     * Add a client, class loader, package name and properties to mpClient
     * @param props
     * @param isInfo
    public WsManager(Properties propsWs, String app_key_opt, boolean isInfo, long timeOut) throws Exception {
    public WsManager(Properties propsWs, String[] appKeyOpt, boolean isInfo, long timeOut) throws Exception {
        this(propsWs,StringUtilsEdu.concatWithDot(appKeyOpt), isInfo, timeOut);
    public WsManager(Properties propsWs, String app, String key, String opt, boolean isInfo, long timeOut) throws Exception {
        this(propsWs,StringUtilsEdu.concatWithDot(app,key, opt), isInfo, timeOut);
    public void addClient(String[] appKeyOpt) throws Exception {
    public void addClient(String app, String key, String opt ) throws Exception {
        addClient(StringUtilsEdu.concatWithDot(app, key, opt));
    public void addClient(String app_key_opt) throws Exception {    
        if  (lObj==null) {
            lObj=(List<Object>) new RunThreadWithTimeOut (
                (a)-> {
                    try {
                        return getElemsAndCreateService((String) a);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        return null;
                this.timeOut, app_key_opt).run();
            if (lObj==null) throw new Exception ("cannot create client for '"+ app_key_opt+ "'");
            this.mpClients.put(app_key_opt, lObj);
    private List<Object> getElemsAndCreateService(String app_key_opt) throws Exception {
        var lObj=new ArrayList<Object>();
        WsApp wsApp=new WsApp(propsWs,app_key_opt);
        if (wsApp.getProps().entrySet().size()<4) throw new Exception("wsApp has not enough properties"); 
        Properties props=wsApp.getProps();
        JaxWsDynamicClientFactory dcf = JaxWsDynamicClientFactory.newInstance();
        //0. Client
        String url=props.getProperty("url");
        Client client = dcf.createClient(url);
        //0.1.Interceptors EDUUUUUU
           client.getInInterceptors().add(new LoggingInInterceptor());
           client.getInFaultInterceptors().add(new LoggingInInterceptor());
        client.getOutInterceptors().add(new LoggingOutInterceptor());
        client.getOutFaultInterceptors().add(new LoggingOutInterceptor());
        //FI 0.1. Interceptors EDUUUUUU
        if (client==null) throw new Exception("Client not created"); 
        if (isInfo) System.out.println("Client got OK!");
        //1. class loader
        ClassLoader classLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
        if (classLoader==null) throw new Exception("ClassLoader not created"); 
        if (isInfo) System.out.println("got class loader...");
        //2. Package
        String pkg=props.getProperty("pkg");
        if (pkg==null) throw new Exception("pkg not created"); 
        //3. Properties
        return lObj;
     * Invoke an operation  
     * @param wsKey is the key to get the client in the hashmap of clients mpClients
     * @param operation is the name of the operation
     * @param objects are the object to pass to the operation
     * @return
     * @throws Exception
    public Object[] invoke (String app, String key, String opt, String operation, Object... objects) throws Exception {
        return invoke (StringUtilsEdu.concatWithDot(app, key, opt), operation, objects);
    public Object[] invoke (String[] appKeyOpt, String operation, Object ...objects) throws Exception {
        return invoke (StringUtilsEdu.concatWithDot(appKeyOpt), operation, objects);
    public Object[] invoke (String app_key_opt, String operation, Object ...objects) throws Exception {
        Client client=this.getClient(app_key_opt);
        Object[] res= client.invokeWrapped(operation, objects);
        return res;
    // Client and others
    public List<Object> getClientAndOthers(String app_key_opt) throws Exception{
        List<Object> lObj=this.mpClients.get(app_key_opt);
        if (lObj==null) {
        return lObj;
    public List<Object> getClientAndOthers(String app, String key, String opt) throws Exception{
        return this.getClientAndOthers(StringUtilsEdu.concatWithDot(app, key, opt));
    public List<Object> getClientAndOthers(String[] appKeyOpt) throws Exception{
        return this.getClientAndOthers(StringUtilsEdu.concatWithDot(appKeyOpt));
    // Client    
    protected Client getClient(String app_key_opt) throws Exception{
        return (Client) this.getClientAndOthers(app_key_opt).get(0); 
    protected Client getClient(String app, String key, String opt) throws Exception{
        return this.getClient(StringUtilsEdu.concatWithDot(app, key, opt));
    protected Client getClient(String[] appKeyOpt) throws Exception{
        return this.getClient(StringUtilsEdu.concatWithDot(appKeyOpt));
    public ClassLoader getClassLoader(String app_key_opt) throws Exception{
        return (ClassLoader) this.getClientAndOthers(app_key_opt).get(1); 
    public ClassLoader getClassLoader(String app, String key, String opt) throws Exception{
        return this.getClassLoader(StringUtilsEdu.concatWithDot(app, key, opt));
    public ClassLoader getClassLoader(String[] appKeyOpt) throws Exception{
        return this.getClassLoader(StringUtilsEdu.concatWithDot(appKeyOpt));
    public String getPkg(String app_key_opt) throws Exception{
        return (String) this.getClientAndOthers(app_key_opt).get(2); 
    public String getPkg(String app, String key, String opt) throws Exception{
        return this.getPkg(StringUtilsEdu.concatWithDot(app, key, opt));
    public String getPkg(String[] appKeyOpt) throws Exception{
        return this.getPkg(StringUtilsEdu.concatWithDot(appKeyOpt));
    public WsApp getWsApp(String app_key_opt) throws Exception{
        return (WsApp) this.getClientAndOthers(app_key_opt).get(3);
    public WsApp getWsApp(String app, String key, String opt) throws Exception{
        return this.getWsApp(StringUtilsEdu.concatWithDot(app, key, opt));
    public WsApp getWsApp(String[] appKeyOpt) throws Exception{
        return this.getWsApp(StringUtilsEdu.concatWithDot(appKeyOpt));
    public static void main (String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
        WSManager wsmngr= new WSManager();
        String path= System.getProperty("user.dir") + File.separator + 
                "src" + File.separator + 
                "main" + File.separator + 
                "resources" + File.separator +
                "properties" + File.separator +
        Properties props=new Properties();
        props.load(new FileInputStream(path));
        wsmngr.addClient(props, false);
        wsmngr.invoke(props.getProperty("key"), "obtenerIdentificadores", args)
        System.out.println("Se acabo");

4. WsAlba.java (the specific class)

package ximodante.ws.alba;

import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.security.MessageDigest;
import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException;
import java.text.DateFormat;
//import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Base64;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;

//import javax.xml.datatype.DatatypeConfigurationException;
import javax.xml.datatype.DatatypeFactory;
import javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar;

import org.apache.commons.beanutils.PropertyUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.reflect.FieldUtils;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.SerializationFeature;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype.jsr310.JavaTimeModule;

import ximodante.basic.utils.basic.Pwd;
import ximodante.basic.utils.nif.CIFValidatorEdu;
import ximodante.basic.utils.reflection.Obj2StringWrapper;
import ximodante.basic.utils.reflection.ReflectionBasic;
import ximodante.basic.utils.ws.WsOutput;
import ximodante.ws.Ws;
import ximodante.ws.utils.WsManager;

public class WsAlba extends Ws{
    //!!!!!!!CANNOT set to null these properties as the constructor resets then to null;
    private String username;
    private String password;
    private String entidad;
    private String modifPwd;
    private String nif;
    public WsAlba(Properties wsProps, String app, String key, String opt, boolean isInfo, long timeOut) throws Exception {
        super(wsProps,app,key,opt, isInfo, timeOut);
    public WsAlba(Properties wsProps, String[] appKeyOpt, boolean isInfo, long timeOut) throws Exception {
        super(wsProps, appKeyOpt, isInfo, timeOut);
    public WsAlba(Properties wsProps, String app_key_opt, boolean isInfo, long timeOut) throws Exception {
        super(wsProps, app_key_opt, isInfo, timeOut);
    protected void initMe() throws Exception {
        if (!appKeyOpt[0].equals("alba")) throw new Exception ("app must be 'alba'");
    private void createSecurity(String[] myAppKeyOpt) throws Exception {
        Properties props=this.wsMngr.getWsApp (myAppKeyOpt).getProps();
        this.username= props.getProperty("username","").trim();
        this.password= props.getProperty("password","").trim();
        if (this.username.length()>100) {
        this.modifPwd =getModifiedPwd(this.password);
        this.nif="73912286S"; //Edu
    private String getModifiedPwd(String myPassword) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException {

        // 1. Obtener la fecha y hora en formato UTC (Estamos a UTC+2 -> hay que quitar 2 horas)
        SimpleDateFormat fmt = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss");
        String myUTCDate = fmt.format(new Date());
        // 2.Concatenamos el timestamp y la contraseña en texto claro
        String cadena = myUTCDate + myPassword;
        // 3. codificamos el resultado a UTF8
        byte[] bytes = cadena.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
        // 4. Obtenemos el hash en SHA-256
        byte[] encodedhash = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256").digest(bytes);
        // 5. codificamos el hash en base64
        String b64String = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(encodedhash);
        // 6. Concatenamos el timestamp con eñ hash en Base 64
        String resultadoFinal = myUTCDate + b64String;
        return resultadoFinal;
    protected WsOutput invoke(String operation,String myKey, String outputField, Object... objects) throws Exception {
        String[] myAppKeyOpt=fillArray(this.appKeyOpt[0],myKey,this.appKeyOpt[2]);
        boolean ok=true;
        String code=  "00";
        String description="Llamada correcta";
        Object b=null;
        try {
            ObjectMapper objectMapper= new ObjectMapper();
            objectMapper.registerModule(new JavaTimeModule());
            Obj2StringWrapper obj2String=new Obj2StringWrapper(objectMapper);
            System.out.println("Parametros:" + obj2String.writeValueAsString(objects));
            Object[] res =wsMngr.invoke(myAppKeyOpt, operation, objects);
            if (outputField!=null && outputField.trim().length()>0)  {
                if (outputField.contains(".")) b=PropertyUtils.getNestedProperty(b, outputField);
                //Simple property
                else b=FieldUtils.readField(b, outputField, true);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            code=  "01";
        WsOutput wsOutput=new WsOutput(ok,code + "-" + description, b);
        return wsOutput;
     * Determina el ID de subprocediment obtingut desde
     *   Para preproducción:
     *     https://pre-tavernesdevalldigna.sedipualba.es/segex/listar_procedimientos.aspx
     *   Para producción:      
     *     https://tavernesdevalldigna.sedipualba.es/segex/listar_procedimientos.aspx  
     * @param extracto del expedient
     * @param seccio (codi de la secció A001, B004...)
     * @return un array dels ids dels subtipus de procediments on
     *     EL primer valor es PREPRODUCCI�" i el segón es el REAL o PRODUCCI�"
    public Integer[] getProcedimiento(String extracto, String seccio) {
        Integer[] idProc=new Integer[] {0,0};
        String ext1=extracto.toLowerCase();
        if (ext1.contains("contra") && ext1.contains("menor")) return new Integer[] { 244652, 268418}; //Contrato administrativo especial (869)
        if (seccio.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("A001")) {
            if (ext1.contains("convocat") && ext1.contains("sessi") && ext1.contains("ple")) return new Integer[] { 245501, 269282}; //Plenari (49)
            if (ext1.contains("propost") && ext1.contains("ple")) return new Integer[] { 245501, 269282}; //Propostes Plenari (49)
            if (ext1.contains("rmav") || ext1.contains("associaci")) return new Integer[] { 244815, 268592}; //Associacions->Ferias (86)
            if (ext1.contains("act") | ext1.contains("comis")  && ext1.contains("informativa") ) return new Integer[] { 244623, 268388}; //Actas Comisiones informativas (4)
            if (ext1.contains("comis")  && ext1.contains("informativa") ) return new Integer[] { 244624, 268389}; //Comisiones informativas (27)
            if (ext1.contains("junta")  && ext1.contains("portav") ) return new Integer[] { 245498, 269277}; //Junta de portavoces (5)
            if (ext1.contains("junta")  && ext1.contains("govern") ) return new Integer[] { 245498, 269273}; //Junta de govern (5)
            if (ext1.contains("eleccio")  && !ext1.contains("seleccio") && !ext1.contains("alcalde") && !ext1.contains("jutge")  ) return new Integer[] { 245316, 269097}; //Eleccciones (7)
            if (ext1.contains("eleccio")  && !ext1.contains("seleccio")) return new Integer[] { 245144, 269097}; //Eleccciones (7)
            if (ext1.contains("assist")  && ext1.contains("jur")) return new Integer[] { 244652, 268418}; //Assistencia juridica=contracte menor (6)
            if (ext1.contains("indemni")  && ext1.contains("membre")) return new Integer[] { 245157, 268925}; //Nomenaments (6)
            if (ext1.contains("diet")) return new Integer[] { 245157, 268940}; //Nomines indemnitzacions (6)
            if (ext1.contains("regula")) return new Integer[] { 245171, 268946}; //Normes entitats locals (5)
            if (ext1.contains("inform")) return new Integer[] { 245044, 268288}; //Informes (5)
            if (ext1.contains("certific")) return new Integer[] { 244808, 268586}; //Fe publica (5)
            if (ext1.contains("corporac")) return new Integer[] { 245144, 268925}; //Corporacio (5)
            if (ext1.contains("substituc")) return new Integer[] { 245478, 269255}; //Nombramiento accidental (5)
            if (ext1.contains("protec") && ext1.contains("dades")) return new Integer[] { 244914, 268500}; //Proteccion de datos ()
            return new Integer[] { 245481, 269261}; //Solicitud documentos ()
        } else if (seccio.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("A002")) {
            if (ext1.contains("certific") && ext1.contains("electr") ) return new Integer[] { 245271, 268260}; //Administracion electronica
            if (ext1.contains("certific") || ext1.contains("volant") ) return new Integer[] { 244808, 268586}; //Fe publica (5)
            if (ext1.contains("matrimoni") && ext1.contains("civil")) return new Integer[] { 245280, 269065}; //Matrimoni civil
            if (ext1.contains("padr") && ext1.contains("alt")) return new Integer[] { 245282, 269068}; //Padron altas ()
            if (ext1.contains("baix")) return new Integer[] { 245283, 269070}; //Padron bajas ()
            if (ext1.contains("padr") && ext1.contains("modif")) return new Integer[] { 245285, 269073}; //Padron modificacion ()
            if (ext1.contains("mod") && ext1.contains("canv")) return new Integer[] { 245285, 269073}; //Padron modificacion  ()
            if (ext1.contains("variaci")) return new Integer[] { 245285, 269073}; //Padron modificacion  ()
            if (ext1.contains("renovaci")) return new Integer[] { 245281, 269072}; //Informacion padronal ()
            if (ext1.contains("revisi")) return new Integer[] { 245281, 269072}; //Informacion padronal ()
            if (ext1.contains("tauler")) return new Integer[] { 244758, 268528}; //Edictos(5)
            if (ext1.contains("justific")) return new Integer[] { 245425, 269202}; //Justificants ORVE(5)
            if (ext1.contains("material")) return new Integer[] { 244652, 268418}; //Contrato administrativo especial (869)
            return new Integer[] { 245506,269296}; // Suministro informacion otros
        } else if (seccio.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("A003")) {
            if (ext1.contains("taxa")) return new Integer[] { 245028, 268910}; //Tasas
            if (ext1.contains("adquisi")) return new Integer[] {  244652, 268418}; //Contrato administrativo especial ()
            if (ext1.contains("renovac")) return new Integer[] {  244652, 268418}; //Contrato administrativo especial ()
            if (ext1.contains("contract")) return new Integer[] {  244652, 268418}; //Contrato administrativo especial ()
            if (ext1.contains("mantenim")) return new Integer[] {  244652, 268418}; //Contrato administrativo especial ()
            if (ext1.contains("subminist")) return new Integer[] {  244652, 268418}; //Contrato administrativo especial ()
            if (ext1.contains("servei")) return new Integer[] {  244652, 268418}; //Contrato administrativo especial ()
            if (ext1.contains("monit")) return new Integer[] {  244652, 268418}; //Contrato administrativo especial ()
            if (ext1.contains("solicit")) return new Integer[] {  245481, 269261}; //Consultas solicitudes
            if (ext1.contains("actuac")) return new Integer[] {  244784, 269261}; //Equipamientos y rogramas planes
            if (ext1.contains("protec") && ext1.contains("dades")) return new Integer[] { 244914, 268500}; //Proteccion de datos ()
            if (ext1.contains("inventar")) return new Integer[] {  245224, 268994}; //Inventari
            if (ext1.contains("ordenan")) return new Integer[] { 245171, 268946}; //Normes entitats locals (5)
            if (ext1.contains("ordenan")) return new Integer[] { 245171, 268946}; //Normes entitats locals (5)
            return new Integer[] { 245506, 269296}; // Suministro informacion otros
        } else if (seccio.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("A038")) {
            if (ext1.contains("subven")) return new Integer[] { 245323, 245323}; //Subvencions
            return new Integer[] { 245318, 269099}; // Promocio cultural
        } else if (seccio.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("B004")) {
            return new Integer[] { 245159, 268938}; // Nomines
        }else if (seccio.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("C008")) {
            if (ext1.contains("mercat") || ext1.contains("parada") || ext1.contains("venda")) return new Integer[] { 245136, 268914}; // Mercats
            if (ext1.contains("sanci") ) return new Integer[] { 244913, 269234}; // Sancio animals
            if (ext1.contains("perill") ) return new Integer[] { 245458, 269237}; // Animal perillos
            if (ext1.contains("gos") || ext1.contains("animal")) return new Integer[] { 245457, 269236}; // Animal
            if (ext1.contains("cement") || ext1.contains("difunt")) return new Integer[] { 244610, 268364}; // Cementeri difunts
            if (ext1.contains("adhesi") || ext1.contains("conveni")) return new Integer[] { 244985, 268505}; // Convenis
            if (ext1.contains("seguient") || ext1.contains("conveni")) return new Integer[] { 244732, 268496}; // Seguiment i control
            if (ext1.contains("servei")) return new Integer[] { 244669, 268441}; // Serveis
            if (ext1.contains("contracte") ) return new Integer[] { 244711, 268477}; // Contracte
            return new Integer[] { 244735, 268508}; // Otros
        if (ext1.contains("iivtnu")) return new Integer[] { 244568, 268308}; //Plusvalues (1862)
        if ((ext1.contains(" obra") ||  ext1.contains("d'obra")) && ext1.contains("menor") ) return new Integer[] { 244973, 268742}; // Obres menors (895)
        if (ext1.contains(" gual ") || ext1.contains(" guals ")) return new Integer[] { 244597, 268339};
        return idProc;
     * Torna el id del node del departament el component 0 es en PRE i el 1 en PRODUCCIO o real
     * @param codiDep
     * @return
    public Integer[] getNodo(String codiDep) {
        Integer[] idNodo=new Integer[] {0,0};
        switch (codiDep.toUpperCase().trim()) {
            case "A000"   : idNodo=new Integer[] {16515,24198}; break;
            case "A001"   : idNodo=new Integer[] {16516,23996}; break;
            case "A002"   : idNodo=new Integer[] {16517,23998}; break;
            case "A003"   : idNodo=new Integer[] {16553,23995}; break;
            case "A038"   : idNodo=new Integer[] {16683,24168}; break;
            case "B004"   : idNodo=new Integer[] {16685,24048}; break;
            case "B005"   : idNodo=new Integer[] {16690,24053}; break;
            case "C008"   : idNodo=new Integer[] {16554,23999}; break;
            case "D000"   : idNodo=new Integer[] {16588,24169}; break;
            case "E062"   : idNodo=new Integer[] {16520,23997}; break;
            case "E062_18": idNodo=new Integer[] {16518,24194}; break;
            case "E062_19": idNodo=new Integer[] {16519,24195}; break;
            case "F000"   : idNodo=new Integer[] {16703,24181}; break;
            case "F012"   : idNodo=new Integer[] {16711,24054}; break;
            case "F013"   : idNodo=new Integer[] {16712,24180}; break;
            case "F014"   : idNodo=new Integer[] {16713,24182}; break;
            case "G000"   : idNodo=new Integer[] {16714,24116}; break;
            case "G007"   : idNodo=new Integer[] {16726,24106}; break;
            case "G015"   : idNodo=new Integer[] {16730,24199}; break;
            case "G016"   : idNodo=new Integer[] {16731,24197}; break;
            case "G017"   : idNodo=new Integer[] {16732,24196}; break;
            case "H000"   : idNodo=new Integer[] {16733,24109}; break;
            case "I024"   : idNodo=new Integer[] {16740,24024}; break;
            case "J025"   : idNodo=new Integer[] {16755,24189}; break;
            case "J026"   : idNodo=new Integer[] {16758,24187}; break;
            case "J035"   : idNodo=new Integer[] {16760,24104}; break;
            case "K000"   : idNodo=new Integer[] {16763,24127}; break;
            case "P065"   : idNodo=new Integer[] {16765,24192}; break;
        return idNodo;

    public Object getPersonalidad(String cif, ClassLoader clsLoader, String pkg ) throws Exception {
        String pers=null;
        if (cif==null) throw new Exception("cif null!!!");
        else {
            int a=CIFValidatorEdu.getPersonalidad(cif);
            if (a==0) pers= "FisicaNIF";
            else if (a==1)  pers=  "ExtranjeroNIE";
            else if (a==2)  pers=  "JuridicaCIF";
            //else if (SedipualbaUtils.isGoodPassport(cif))  pers=  "Pasaporte";
            else if (CIFValidatorEdu.isPassport(cif))  pers=  "Pasaporte";
            else throw new Exception("cif invalido!!!");
        return ReflectionBasic.createEnum(clsLoader,pkg+ "."+ "TipoPersonalidad",pers); // OJO: "PASAPORTE" NO VA
    public Object getTipoTelf(String telf, ClassLoader clsLoader, String pkg ) throws Exception {
        String tTelf=null;
        if (telf==null) return null;
        String a=telf.substring(0,1);
        if (a.compareToIgnoreCase("0")>=0 && a.compareToIgnoreCase("9")<0) tTelf="Movil";
        else tTelf="Fijo";
        return ReflectionBasic.createEnum(clsLoader,pkg+ "."+ "TipoTelefono",tTelf); // OJO: "FIJO" NO VA
    public Object getTelf(String telf, boolean predeterminado, ClassLoader clsLoader, String pkg) throws Exception {
        String[] fieldNamesTelf={"nTelefono","tipo","predeterminado", "excluido"};
        //Object[] fieldValuesTelf={telf, getTipoTelf(telf,  clsLoader, pkg) ,predeterminado , false };   
        Object[] fieldValuesTelf={telf, getTipoTelf(telf,  clsLoader, pkg) ,false , false };
        return ReflectionBasic.createObject(clsLoader, pkg+ "."+"TelefonoEditViewModel", fieldNamesTelf, fieldValuesTelf, false, null);
    public Object getTelfs(Object[] telfs, ClassLoader clsLoader, String pkg) throws Exception {
        List<Object> lTelfs=new ArrayList<Object>();
        int i=0;
        for (Object telf: telfs) {
            if (telf!=null) {
                if(telf.toString().trim().length()>6) lTelfs.add(getTelf(telf.toString(), (i==0), clsLoader, pkg));
        if (lTelfs.size()>0) return ReflectionBasic.createArrayOfObject(clsLoader, pkg+ "."+"ArrayOfTelefonoEditViewModel", "getTelefonoEditViewModel", lTelfs.toArray());
        else return null;
    public Object getDireccion(Object[] reg, ClassLoader clsLoader, String pkg) throws Exception {
        String direccion="";
        if (reg[7]!=null &&  reg[8]!=null) {
            if (reg[7].toString().trim().length()>0 && reg[8].toString().trim().length()>0)
                direccion=reg[ 7].toString().trim()+ " " + reg[ 8].toString().trim();
        if (direccion.length()<5) direccion=reg[12].toString().trim();
        String[] fieldNamesDomi={
                "codPais"         ,"codPostal"            ,"municipioDescripcion",
                "paisDescripcion" ,"provinciaDescripcion" ,"direccion",
                "escPisPue"       ,"numVia"               ,"observaciones",
        String numvia="";
        if (reg[ 9]!=null) numvia=reg[ 9].toString().trim();
        Object[] fieldValuesDomi={
                //"661086"          ,reg[13].toString()     ,reg[15].toString(),
                "661086"          ,arreglarCP(reg[13])     ,arreglarPoble(reg),
                "ESPA�'A"          ,provincias[-1+Integer.parseInt(reg[14].toString().trim())]  ,direccion,
                reg[10].toString(),numvia                ,reg[16].toString(),
                false };
        return ReflectionBasic.createObject(clsLoader, pkg+ "."+ "DomCiudadanoEditExternoModel", fieldNamesDomi, fieldValuesDomi, false, null);
    public Object getDireccions(Object[] reg, ClassLoader clsLoader, String pkg) throws Exception {
        return ReflectionBasic.createArrayOfObject(clsLoader, pkg+ "."+"ArrayOfDomCiudadanoEditExternoModel", "getDomCiudadanoEditExternoModel", getDireccion(reg, clsLoader, pkg));
    public static Object getEmail(Object email, boolean predeterminado, ClassLoader clsLoader, String pkg) throws Exception {
        String[] fieldNamesEmail={"email","predeterminado", "excluido"};
        Object[] fieldValuesEmail={email.toString(), predeterminado , false };   
        return ReflectionBasic.createObject(clsLoader, pkg+ "."+ "CorreoElectronicoEditViewModel", fieldNamesEmail, fieldValuesEmail, false, null);
    public static Object getEmails(Object[] emails, ClassLoader clsLoader, String pkg) throws Exception {
        List<Object>lEmails=new ArrayList<Object>();
        int i=0;
        for (Object email: emails) {
            if (email!=null) {
                if (email.toString().trim().length()>3) lEmails.add(getEmail(email, (i==0), clsLoader, pkg));
        if (lEmails.size()>0) return ReflectionBasic.createArrayOfObject(clsLoader, pkg+ "."+"ArrayOfCorreoElectronicoEditViewModel", "getCorreoElectronicoEditViewModel", lEmails.toArray());
        else return null;
    public XMLGregorianCalendar getGregCal(Object obj) throws Exception {
        if (obj==null) return null;
        if (obj.toString().trim().length()<10) return null;
        else {
            DateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy");
            Date date = format.parse(obj.toString().trim());

            GregorianCalendar cal = new GregorianCalendar();

            XMLGregorianCalendar xmlGregCal =  DatatypeFactory.newInstance().newXMLGregorianCalendar(cal);
            return xmlGregCal;
    public static String arreglarCP(Object cp) {
        String cp1=cp.toString().trim();
        int le=cp1.length();
        if (le>5) cp1=cp1.substring(le-5);
        else {
            for (int i=0; i<5-le; i++) cp1="0"+cp1;
        return cp1;
    public static String arreglarPoble(Object[] obs) {
        String cp=obs[13].toString().trim();
        cp= arreglarCP(cp);
        String poble=obs[15].toString().trim();
        switch(cp) {
            case "01015": poble="Vitoria-Gasteiz";break;
            case "02520": poble="Chinchilla de Monte-Aragón";break;
            case "02693": poble="Corral-Rubio";break;
            case "02610": poble="BONILLO (EL)";break;//Bonillo, El"
            case "03000": 
            case "03003":
            case "03005": 
            case "03007": poble="Alicante/Alacant";break;
            case "03110": poble="Mutxamel";break;
            case "03530": poble="NUCIA (LA)";break;//"Nucia, la"
            case "03690": poble="San Vicente del Raspeig/Sant Vicent del Raspeig";break;
            case "03699": poble="Alicante/Alacant";break;
            case "03700": 
            case "03709": poble="Dénia";break;
            case "05003": poble="Ávila";break;
            case "05270": poble="Tiemblo, El";break;
            case "07002": 
            case "07015": poble="Palma";break;
            case "07150": poble="Andratx";break;
            case "07814": poble="Santa Eulària des Riu";break;
            case "08190": poble="Sant Cugat del Vallés";break;
            case "08820": poble="PRAT DE LLOBREGAT (EL)";break;//Prat de Llobregat, El
            case "08980": poble="Sant Feliu de Llobregat";break;
            case "12001":
            case "12100": poble="Castelló de la Plana";break;
            case "12540": poble="Vila-real";break;
            case "12579": poble="Alcalà de Xivert";break;
            case "12600": poble="VALL D'UIX�" (LA)";break;//Vall d'Uixó, la"
            case "13170": poble="Miguelturra";break;
            case "13670": poble="Villarrubia de los Ojos";break;
            case "13680": poble="Fuente el Fresno";break;
            case "15007": poble="CORU�'A (A)";break;//"Coruña, A"
            case "15940": poble="POBRA DO CARAMI�'AL (A)";break;//
            case "16620": poble="ALBERCA DE ZÁNCARA (LA)";break;//Alberca de Záncara, La"
            case "16720": poble="Cañada Juncosa";break;
            case "16770": poble="San Lorenzo de la Parrilla";break;
            case "18212": poble="Güevéjar";break;
            case "19174": poble="Galápagos";break;
            case "19161": poble="Pozo de Guadalajara";break;
            case "19170": poble="CASAR (EL)";break;//"Casar, El"
            case "19463": poble="Poveda de la Sierra";break;
            case "20004": 
            case "20071": poble="Donostia/San Sebastián";break;
            case "20110": poble="Pasaia";break;
            case "23350": poble="Puente de Génave";break;
            case "24280": poble="Benavides"; break; 
            case "28028":
            case "28044":
            case "28080": poble="Madrid"; break; 
            case "28109": poble="Alcobendas"; break; 
            case "28150": poble="Valdetorres de Jarama"; break; 
            case "28224": poble="Pozuelo de Alarcón";break;
            case "28229": poble="Villanueva del Pardillo";break;
            case "28230": 
            case "28231":
            case "28232":
            case "28280": 
            case "28290": poble="ROZAS DE MADRID (LAS)";break;//"Rozas de Madrid, Las"
            case "28292": poble="Escorial, El";break;
            case "28300": poble="Aranjuez";break;
            case "28400": poble="Collado Villalba";break;
            case "28412":
            case "28413": poble="BOALO (EL)";break;//"Boalo, El"
            case "28420": poble="Galapagar";break;
            case "28430": poble="Alpedrete";break;
            case "28500": poble="Arganda del Rey";break;
            case "28514": poble="Villar del Olmo";break;
            case "28521":
            case "28522":
            case "28529": poble="Rivas-Vaciamadrid";break;
            case "28607": poble="ÁLAMO (EL)";break;//"Álamo, El"
            case "28630": poble="Villa del Prado";break;
            case "28680": poble="San Martín de Valdeiglesias";break;
            case "28700": 
            case "28701":
            case "28702":
            case "28703":
            case "28706": poble="San Sebastián de los Reyes";break;
            case "28722": poble="Vellón, El";break;
            case "28810": poble="Villalbilla";break;
            case "28816": poble="Valdeavero";break;
            case "28817": poble="SANTOS DE LA HUMOSA (LOS)";break;//"Santos de la Humosa, Los"
            case "28830": poble="San Fernando de Henares";break;
            case "28840": poble="Mejorada del Campo";break;
            case "28860": 
            case "28861":    
            case "28862":    
            case "28863": poble="Paracuellos de Jarama";break;
            case "28931": poble="Móstoles";break;
            case "28950": poble="Moraleja de Enmedio";break;
            case "30150":
            case "30153": poble="Murcia";break;
            case "31014": poble="Pamplona/Iruña";break;
            case "33612": poble="Mieres";break;
            case "37184": poble="Monterrubio de Armuña";break;
            case "40100": poble="Real Sitio de San Ildefonso";break;
            case "40400": poble="ESPINAR (EL)";break;//"Espinar, El"
            case "40250": poble="Mozoncillo";break;
            case "40590": poble="Casla";break;
            case "41439": poble="Cañada Rosal";break;
            case "45123": poble="Seseña";break;
            case "45215": poble="VISO DE SAN JUAN (EL)";break;//"Viso de San Juan, El"
            case "45223": poble="Seseña";break;
            case "45216": poble="Carranque";break;
            case "45500": poble="Torrijos";break;
            case "45520": poble="Villaluenga de la Sagra";break;
            case "45534": poble="MATA (LA)";break;//"Mata, La"
            case "45570": poble="PUENTE DEL ARZOBISPO (EL)";break;//"Puente del Arzobispo, El"
            case "45680": poble="Cebolla";break;
            //case "46015": poble="Beniferri";break;
            case "46015": poble="VALÈNCIA";break;//Valencia
            case "46059": poble="Benifairó de la Valldigna";break;
            case "46120": poble="Alboraia/Alboraya";break;
            case "46131": poble="Bonrepòs i Mirambell";break;
            case "46182": poble="Paterna";break;
            case "46183": poble="ELIANA (L')";break;//"Eliana, l'"
            case "46190": poble="Riba-roja de Túria";break;
            case "46192": poble="Montserrat";break;
            case "46250": poble="ALCÚDIA (L')";break;//"Alcúdia, l'"
            case "46419": poble="Sueca";break;
            case "46670": poble="Pobla Llarga, la";break;
            case "46690": poble="ALCÚDIA DE CRESPINS (L')";break;//"Alcúdia de Crespins, l'";break;
            case "46700": poble="Gandia";break;
            case "46711": poble="Guardamar de la Safor";break;
            case "46715": poble="Alqueria de la Comtessa, l'";break;
            case "46717": poble="FONT D'EN CARR�'S (LA)";break; //"La Font d'En Carròs";
            case "46730": poble="Gandia";break;
            case "46792": poble="Alzira";break;
            case "46800": poble="Xàtiva";break;
            case "46815": poble="LLOSA DE RANES (LA)";break;//"Llosa de Ranes, la";
            case "46842": poble="MONTITXELVO/MONTICHELVO";break;//"Montixelvo"
            case "46840": poble="POBLA DEL DUC (LA)";break;//"Pobla del Duc, la"
            case "46850": poble="OLLERIA (L')";break;//"Olleria, l'"
            case "46910": poble="Alfafar";break;
            case "49410": poble="Fuentelapeña";break;
        return poble;
    public Map<String,Object> getCiudadano (Object[] reg, ClassLoader clsLoader, String pkg) throws Exception {
        boolean separarNom=false;
        if (reg[2]==null) separarNom=true;
        else if (reg[2].toString().trim().length()==0) separarNom=true;
        Map<String,Object>hmapCiudadano=new HashMap<String,Object>();
        if (separarNom)  {
            String[] ss= separaNom(reg [ 6]);
            hmapCiudadano.put("nombre"                  , ss [ 0]                       );
            hmapCiudadano.put("apellido1"               , ss [ 1]                       );
            hmapCiudadano.put("apellido2"               , ss [ 2]                       );
            hmapCiudadano.put("apellidoNombre"          , reg [ 6]                      );
        }else {
            hmapCiudadano.put("nombre"                  , reg [ 2]                       );
            hmapCiudadano.put("apellido1"               , reg [ 3]                       );
            hmapCiudadano.put("apellido2"               , reg [ 4]                       );
            hmapCiudadano.put("apellidoNombre"          , combinaNom(reg [ 2],reg [ 3],reg [ 4])                       );
        hmapCiudadano.put("nif"                     , reg [ 0]                       );
        hmapCiudadano.put("domCiudadanoPrincipalId" , null                           );
        hmapCiudadano.put("personalidad"            , getPersonalidad(reg [ 0].toString(), clsLoader, pkg) );
        hmapCiudadano.put("observaciones"           , reg[16].toString()            );
        //hmapCiudadano.put("procedenciaId"           , "0"                            ); // De "ListarProcedencias" hay una con id="0" pre
        hmapCiudadano.put("procedenciaId"           , "INI-MIGRA"                    ); // De "ListarProcedencias" hay una con id="INI-MIGRA" pro
        hmapCiudadano.put("notElectronica"          , false                          );
        hmapCiudadano.put("idiomaComunicaciones"    , "Castellano"                   );
        hmapCiudadano.put("fechaNacimiento"         , getGregCal(reg[ 5])          );
        hmapCiudadano.put("correosElectronicos"     , getEmails(ArrayUtils.subarray(reg, 21, 23 + 1), clsLoader, pkg));
        hmapCiudadano.put("direccionesElectronicas" , null                           );
        hmapCiudadano.put("telefonos"               , getTelfs (ArrayUtils.subarray(reg, 18, 20 + 1), clsLoader, pkg));
        hmapCiudadano.put("domicilios"              , getDireccions(reg, clsLoader, pkg)                     );
        hmapCiudadano.put("representantes"          , null                           );
        return hmapCiudadano;

    public String[] separaNom(Object nomComp) {
        String[] particulas= {"DE", "DEL","LA","EL","LAS","LOS","AL"};
        if (nomComp==null) return null;
        String ss=nomComp.toString();
        String[] aS = ss.split("\\s+");
        List<String>lS=new ArrayList<String>();
        String s1="";
        for (String s2:aS) {
            s1=s1+" " + s2;
            if (!Arrays.asList(particulas).contains(s2.toUpperCase()) &&
                    s2.length()>1) {
        String[] ssss=lS.toArray(new String[0]);
        String[] ss1=new String[3];
        if (ssss.length==1) ss1[1]=ssss[0];
        if (ssss.length==2) {
            ss1[1]=ssss[0]; //ape1
            ss1[0]=ssss[1]; //nom
        if (ssss.length==3) {
            ss1[1]=ssss[0]; //ape1
            ss1[2]=ssss[1]; //ape2
            ss1[0]=ssss[2]; //nom
        if (ssss.length>3) {
            ss1[1]=ssss[0]; //ape1
            ss1[2]=ssss[1]; //ape2
            ss1[0]=ssss[2]; //nom
            for (int i=3; i<ssss.length; i++) {
                ss1[0]=ss1[0]+" " + ssss[i]; //afegim lo que sobra al nom
        return ss1;
    public String combinaNom(Object nom, Object ap1, Object ap2) {
        String nomComp="";
        if (ap1!=null) nomComp=(nomComp+ " " + ap1.toString().trim()).trim();
        if (ap2!=null) nomComp=(nomComp+ " " + ap2.toString().trim()).trim();
        if (nom!=null) nomComp=(nomComp+ " " + nom.toString().trim()).trim();
        return nomComp;
    public String[] provincias= {
            "ARABA/ALAVA", "ALBACETE",   "ALICANTE",     "ALMERIA",     "AVILA",
            "BADAJOZ",     "I. BALEARS", "BARCELONA",    "BURGOS",      "CACERES",
            "CADIZ",        "CASTELLON",  "CIUDAD REAL",     "CORDOBA",     "A CORU�'A",
            "CUENCA",      "GIRONA",      "GRANADA",         "GUADALAJARA", "GIPUZKOA",
            "HUELVA",      "HUESCA",     "JAEN",            "LEON",        "LLEIDA",
            "LA RIOJA",       "LUGO",          "MADRID",         "MALAGA",        "MURCIA",
            "NAVARRA",     "OURENSE",    "ASTURIAS",     "PALENCIA",    "LAS PALMAS",
            "SEVILLA",     "SORIA",         "TARRAGONA",     "TERUEL",         "TOLEDO",
            "VALENCIA",       "VALLADOLID", "BIZKAIA",         "ZAMORA",         "ZARAGOZA",
            "CEUTA",       "MELILLA"};
     *    0. SEFICU
     * *******************************************************************************************/
    public WsOutput NuevoFirmanteServidor(int idDoc, String nomFirmante, String textoFirma) throws Exception {
        String operation = "NuevoFirmanteServidor";
        String simpleClassName = operation;
        String myKey="sefycu";
        String outputField=""; // can have Nested field or no field
        String[] myAppKeyOpt=fillArray(this.appKeyOpt[0],myKey,this.appKeyOpt[2]);
        wsMngr.addClient(myAppKeyOpt); //Verify that the client is loaded
        ClassLoader clsLoader=wsMngr.getClassLoader(myAppKeyOpt);
        String pkg=wsMngr.getPkg(myAppKeyOpt);
        // 4. Fill fields of a class
        String[] fieldNames = { "wsSegUser",   "wsSegPass",    "idEntidad", "pkDocuFirma", "descripcion", "textoFirma" };
        Object[] fieldValues = { this.username, this.modifPwd, this.entidad, idDoc,         nomFirmante,   textoFirma };
        Object myInstance = ReflectionBasic.createObject(clsLoader, pkg + "." + simpleClassName, fieldNames, fieldValues, false , null);

        return invoke(operation, myKey, outputField, myInstance);
    public WsOutput ObtenerDocuFirmaIDPorCSV(String csv) throws Exception {
        String operation = "ObtenerDocuFirmaIDPorCSV";
        String simpleClassName = operation;
        String myKey="sefycu";
        String outputField=""; // can have Nested field or no field
        String[] myAppKeyOpt=fillArray(this.appKeyOpt[0],myKey,this.appKeyOpt[2]);
        wsMngr.addClient(myAppKeyOpt); //Verify that the client is loaded
        ClassLoader clsLoader=wsMngr.getClassLoader(myAppKeyOpt);
        String pkg=wsMngr.getPkg(myAppKeyOpt);
        // 4. Fill fields of a class
        String[] fieldNames = { "wsSegUser",   "wsSegPass",    "idEntidad", "csv"  };
        Object[] fieldValues = { this.username, this.modifPwd, this.entidad, csv };
        Object myInstance = ReflectionBasic.createObject(clsLoader, pkg + "." + simpleClassName, fieldNames, fieldValues, false, null);

        return invoke(operation, myKey, outputField, myInstance);
    public WsOutput ObtenerDocuFirmaInfoV2(int idDocuFirma) throws Exception {
        String operation = "ObtenerDocuFirmaInfoV2";
        String simpleClassName = operation;
        String myKey="sefycu";
        String outputField=""; // can have Nested field or no field
        String[] myAppKeyOpt=fillArray(this.appKeyOpt[0],myKey,this.appKeyOpt[2]);
        wsMngr.addClient(myAppKeyOpt); //Verify that the client is loaded
        ClassLoader clsLoader=wsMngr.getClassLoader(myAppKeyOpt);
        String pkg=wsMngr.getPkg(myAppKeyOpt);
        // 4. Fill fields of a class
        String[] fieldNames = { "wsSegUser",   "wsSegPass",   "idEntidad",  "idDocuFirma" };
        Object[] fieldValues = { this.username, this.modifPwd, this.entidad, idDocuFirma };
        Object myInstance = ReflectionBasic.createObject(clsLoader, pkg + "." + simpleClassName, fieldNames, fieldValues, false, null);

        return invoke(operation, myKey, outputField, myInstance);
     *    1. SEGRA
     * *******************************************************************************************/
    public WsOutput ObtenerPropuestaIDPorCSV(String csv) throws Exception {
        String operation = "ObtenerPropuestaIDPorCSV";
        String simpleClassName = operation;
        String myKey="segra";
        String outputField=""; // can have Nested field or no field
        String[] myAppKeyOpt=fillArray(this.appKeyOpt[0],myKey,this.appKeyOpt[2]);
        wsMngr.addClient(myAppKeyOpt); //Verify that the client is loaded
        ClassLoader clsLoader=wsMngr.getClassLoader(myAppKeyOpt);
        String pkg=wsMngr.getPkg(myAppKeyOpt);
        // 4. Fill fields of a class
        String[] fieldNames = { "wsSegUser",   "wsSegPass",   "idEntidad",  "csv" };
        Object[] fieldValues = { this.username, this.modifPwd, this.entidad, csv };
        Object myInstance = ReflectionBasic.createObject(clsLoader, pkg + "." + simpleClassName, fieldNames, fieldValues, false, null);

        return invoke(operation, myKey, outputField, myInstance);
    public WsOutput ObtenerPropuestaInfoV2(int pkPropuesta) throws Exception {
        String operation = "ObtenerPropuestaInfoV2";
        String simpleClassName = operation;
        String myKey="segra";
        String outputField=""; // can have Nested field or no field
        String[] myAppKeyOpt=fillArray(this.appKeyOpt[0],myKey,this.appKeyOpt[2]);
        wsMngr.addClient(myAppKeyOpt); //Verify that the client is loaded
        ClassLoader clsLoader=wsMngr.getClassLoader(myAppKeyOpt);
        String pkg=wsMngr.getPkg(myAppKeyOpt);
        // 4. Fill fields of a class
        String[] fieldNames = { "wsSegUser",   "wsSegPass",   "idEntidad",  "pkPropuesta" };
        Object[] fieldValues = { this.username, this.modifPwd, this.entidad, pkPropuesta };
        Object myInstance = ReflectionBasic.createObject(clsLoader, pkg + "." + simpleClassName, fieldNames, fieldValues, false, null);

        return invoke(operation, myKey, outputField, myInstance);
    public WsOutput NuevaPropuestaV2(String nifUsuario, int idNodoContenedor,String descripcion, String formato, 
            boolean mostrarNotificadosAFirmantes, String referenciaInterna1, String referenciaInterna2) throws Exception {
        String operation = "NuevaPropuestaV2";
        String simpleClassName = operation;
        String myKey="segra";
        String outputField=""; // can have Nested field or no field
        String[] myAppKeyOpt=fillArray(this.appKeyOpt[0],myKey,this.appKeyOpt[2]);
        wsMngr.addClient(myAppKeyOpt); //Verify that the client is loaded
        ClassLoader clsLoader=wsMngr.getClassLoader(myAppKeyOpt);
        String pkg=wsMngr.getPkg(myAppKeyOpt);
        // 4. Fill fields of a class
        String[] fieldNames = { "wsSegUser",   "wsSegPass",   "pkEntidad",  "nifUsuario", "idNodoContenedor", 
                                "descripcion", "formato","mostrarNotificadosAFirmantes","referenciaInterna1","referenciaInterna2" };
        Object[] fieldValues = { this.username, this.modifPwd, this.entidad, nifUsuario,   idNodoContenedor,
                                 descripcion,  formato,   mostrarNotificadosAFirmantes,  referenciaInterna1,  referenciaInterna2};
        Object myInstance = ReflectionBasic.createObject(clsLoader, pkg + "." + simpleClassName, fieldNames, fieldValues, false, null);

        return invoke(operation, myKey, outputField, myInstance);
    public WsOutput SetPropuestaPdfBase64(int pkPropuesta, String b64) throws Exception {
        String operation = "SetPropuestaPdfBase64";
        String simpleClassName = operation;
        String myKey="segra";
        String outputField=""; // can have Nested field or no field
        String[] myAppKeyOpt=fillArray(this.appKeyOpt[0],myKey,this.appKeyOpt[2]);
        wsMngr.addClient(myAppKeyOpt); //Verify that the client is loaded
        ClassLoader clsLoader=wsMngr.getClassLoader(myAppKeyOpt);
        String pkg=wsMngr.getPkg(myAppKeyOpt);
        // 4. Fill fields of a class
        String[] fieldNames = { "wsSegUser",   "wsSegPass",   "idEntidad", "pkPropuesta", "b64"};
        Object[] fieldValues = { this.username, this.modifPwd, this.entidad,pkPropuesta ,  b64};
        Object myInstance = ReflectionBasic.createObject(clsLoader, pkg + "." + simpleClassName, fieldNames, fieldValues, false, null);

        return invoke(operation, myKey, outputField, myInstance);
    public WsOutput NuevoAnexoBase64(int pkPropuesta, String b64, String extension,String descripcion, boolean notificar) throws Exception {
        String operation = "NuevoAnexoBase64";
        String simpleClassName = operation;
        String myKey="segra";
        String outputField=""; // can have Nested field or no field
        String[] myAppKeyOpt=fillArray(this.appKeyOpt[0],myKey,this.appKeyOpt[2]);
        wsMngr.addClient(myAppKeyOpt); //Verify that the client is loaded
        ClassLoader clsLoader=wsMngr.getClassLoader(myAppKeyOpt);
        String pkg=wsMngr.getPkg(myAppKeyOpt);
        // 4. Fill fields of a class
        String[] fieldNames = { "wsSegUser",   "wsSegPass",   "idEntidad",  "pkPropuesta", "b64", 
                "extension","descripcion", "notificar" };
        Object[] fieldValues = { this.username, this.modifPwd, this.entidad, pkPropuesta ,  b64,
                extension,   descripcion,   notificar};
        Object myInstance = ReflectionBasic.createObject(clsLoader, pkg + "." + simpleClassName, fieldNames, fieldValues, false, null);

        return invoke(operation, myKey, outputField, myInstance);
    public WsOutput SetPresidenteV2(int idPropuesta, int idRolEntidad) throws Exception {
        String operation = "SetPresidenteV2";
        String simpleClassName = operation;
        String myKey="segra";
        String outputField=""; // can have Nested field or no field
        String[] myAppKeyOpt=fillArray(this.appKeyOpt[0],myKey,this.appKeyOpt[2]);
        wsMngr.addClient(myAppKeyOpt); //Verify that the client is loaded
        ClassLoader clsLoader=wsMngr.getClassLoader(myAppKeyOpt);
        String pkg=wsMngr.getPkg(myAppKeyOpt);
        // 4. Fill fields of a class
        String[] fieldNames = { "wsSegUser",   "wsSegPass",   "idEntidad",  "idPropuesta", "idRolEntidad"};
        Object[] fieldValues = { this.username, this.modifPwd, this.entidad, idPropuesta,   idRolEntidad};
        Object myInstance = ReflectionBasic.createObject(clsLoader, pkg + "." + simpleClassName, fieldNames, fieldValues, false, null);

        return invoke(operation, myKey, outputField, myInstance);
    public WsOutput EnviarPropuestaAFirmar(int pkPropuesta) throws Exception {
        String operation = "EnviarPropuestaAFirmar";
        String simpleClassName = operation;
        String myKey="segra";
        String outputField=""; // can have Nested field or no field
        String[] myAppKeyOpt=fillArray(this.appKeyOpt[0],myKey,this.appKeyOpt[2]);
        wsMngr.addClient(myAppKeyOpt); //Verify that the client is loaded
        ClassLoader clsLoader=wsMngr.getClassLoader(myAppKeyOpt);
        String pkg=wsMngr.getPkg(myAppKeyOpt);
        // 4. Fill fields of a class
        String[] fieldNames = { "wsSegUser",   "wsSegPass",   "idEntidad",  "pkPropuesta"};
        Object[] fieldValues = { this.username, this.modifPwd, this.entidad, pkPropuesta};
        Object myInstance = ReflectionBasic.createObject(clsLoader, pkg + "." + simpleClassName, fieldNames, fieldValues, false, null);

        return invoke(operation, myKey, outputField, myInstance);
     *    2. SEGEX
     * *******************************************************************************************/
    public WsOutput ListarCarpetas(String codExpedient) throws Exception {
        String operation = "ListarCarpetas";
        String simpleClassName = operation;
        String myKey="segex";
        String outputField="carpetaItem"; // can have Nested field or no field
        String[] myAppKeyOpt=fillArray(this.appKeyOpt[0],myKey,this.appKeyOpt[2]);
        wsMngr.addClient(myAppKeyOpt); //Verify that the client is loaded
        ClassLoader clsLoader=wsMngr.getClassLoader(myAppKeyOpt);
        String pkg=wsMngr.getPkg(myAppKeyOpt);
        //Other stuff
        int pkCarpetaPadre= -1;
        // 4. Fill fields of a class
        String[] fieldNames = { "wssegUser",   "wssegPass",   "pkEntidad",  "codigoExpediente","pkCarpetaPadre" };
        Object[] fieldValues = { this.username, this.modifPwd, this.entidad, codExpedient,      pkCarpetaPadre };
        Object myInstance = ReflectionBasic.createObject(clsLoader, pkg + "." + simpleClassName, fieldNames, fieldValues, false, null);

        return invoke(operation, myKey, outputField, myInstance);
    public WsOutput ListarDocumentos(String codExpedient) throws Exception {
        String operation = "ListarDocumentos";
        String simpleClassName = operation;
        String myKey="segex";
        String outputField="documentoItem"; // can have Nested field or no field
        String[] myAppKeyOpt=fillArray(this.appKeyOpt[0],myKey,this.appKeyOpt[2]);
        wsMngr.addClient(myAppKeyOpt); //Verify that the client is loaded
        ClassLoader clsLoader=wsMngr.getClassLoader(myAppKeyOpt);
        String pkg=wsMngr.getPkg(myAppKeyOpt);
        //Other stuff
        int pkCarpetaPadre= -1;
        // 4. Fill fields of a class
        String[] fieldNames = { "wssegUser",   "wssegPass",   "pkEntidad",  "codigoExpediente","pkCarpetaPadre" };
        Object[] fieldValues = { this.username, this.modifPwd, this.entidad, codExpedient,      pkCarpetaPadre };
        Object myInstance = ReflectionBasic.createObject(clsLoader, pkg + "." + simpleClassName, fieldNames, fieldValues, false, null);

        return invoke(operation, myKey, outputField, myInstance);
    public WsOutput ListMaterias() throws Exception {
        String operation = "ListMaterias";
        String simpleClassName = operation;
        String myKey="segex";
        String outputField="materiaInfo"; // can have Nested field or no field
        String[] myAppKeyOpt=fillArray(this.appKeyOpt[0],myKey,this.appKeyOpt[2]);
        wsMngr.addClient(myAppKeyOpt); //Verify that the client is loaded
        ClassLoader clsLoader=wsMngr.getClassLoader(myAppKeyOpt);
        String pkg=wsMngr.getPkg(myAppKeyOpt);
        //Other stuff
        int pkCarpetaPadre= -1;
        // 4. Fill fields of a class
        String[] fieldNames = { "wssegUser",   "wssegPass",   "idEntidad"  };
        Object[] fieldValues = { this.username, this.modifPwd, this.entidad};
        Object myInstance = ReflectionBasic.createObject(clsLoader, pkg + "." + simpleClassName, fieldNames, fieldValues, false, null);

        return invoke(operation, myKey, outputField, myInstance);
    public WsOutput ListSubmaterias(String idMateria) throws Exception {
        String operation = "ListSubmaterias";
        String simpleClassName = operation;
        String myKey="segex";
        String outputField="submateriaInfo"; // can have Nested field or no field
        String[] myAppKeyOpt=fillArray(this.appKeyOpt[0],myKey,this.appKeyOpt[2]);
        wsMngr.addClient(myAppKeyOpt); //Verify that the client is loaded
        ClassLoader clsLoader=wsMngr.getClassLoader(myAppKeyOpt);
        String pkg=wsMngr.getPkg(myAppKeyOpt);
        // 4. Fill fields of a class
        String[] fieldNames = { "wssegUser",   "wssegPass",   "idEntidad",   "idMateria"  };
        Object[] fieldValues = { this.username, this.modifPwd, this.entidad,  idMateria   };
        Object myInstance = ReflectionBasic.createObject(clsLoader, pkg + "." + simpleClassName, fieldNames, fieldValues, false, null);

        return invoke(operation, myKey, outputField, myInstance);
    public WsOutput ListTiposProcedimiento(String idSubmateria) throws Exception {
        String operation = "ListTiposProcedimiento";
        String simpleClassName = operation;
        String myKey="segex";
        String outputField="tipoProcedimientoInfo"; // can have Nested field or no field
        String[] myAppKeyOpt=fillArray(this.appKeyOpt[0],myKey,this.appKeyOpt[2]);
        wsMngr.addClient(myAppKeyOpt); //Verify that the client is loaded
        ClassLoader clsLoader=wsMngr.getClassLoader(myAppKeyOpt);
        String pkg=wsMngr.getPkg(myAppKeyOpt);
        // 4. Fill fields of a class
        String[] fieldNames = { "wssegUser",   "wssegPass",   "idEntidad",   "idSubmateria"  };
        Object[] fieldValues = { this.username, this.modifPwd, this.entidad,  idSubmateria   };
        Object myInstance = ReflectionBasic.createObject(clsLoader, pkg + "." + simpleClassName, fieldNames, fieldValues, false, null);

        return invoke(operation, myKey, outputField, myInstance);
    public WsOutput ListSubtiposProcedimiento(int idProcedimiento) throws Exception {
        String operation = "ListSubtiposProcedimiento";
        String simpleClassName = operation;
        String myKey="segex";
        String outputField="subtipoProcedimientoInfo"; // can have Nested field or no field
        String[] myAppKeyOpt=fillArray(this.appKeyOpt[0],myKey,this.appKeyOpt[2]);
        wsMngr.addClient(myAppKeyOpt); //Verify that the client is loaded
        ClassLoader clsLoader=wsMngr.getClassLoader(myAppKeyOpt);
        String pkg=wsMngr.getPkg(myAppKeyOpt);
        // 4. Fill fields of a class
        String[] fieldNames = { "wssegUser",   "wssegPass",   "idEntidad",   "idProcedimiento"  };
        Object[] fieldValues = { this.username, this.modifPwd, this.entidad,  idProcedimiento   };
        Object myInstance = ReflectionBasic.createObject(clsLoader, pkg + "." + simpleClassName, fieldNames, fieldValues, false, null);

        return invoke(operation, myKey, outputField, myInstance);
    public WsOutput NuevoExpedienteV3(String claseExp, String extracto, String codigoExp, String codSeccio,
            String nifUsuario, Integer idProcedimiento, Integer idNodoAyto) throws Exception {
        String operation = "NuevoExpedienteV3";
        String simpleClassName = operation;
        String myKey="segex";
        String outputField=""; // can have Nested field or no field
        String[] myAppKeyOpt=fillArray(this.appKeyOpt[0],myKey,this.appKeyOpt[2]);
        wsMngr.addClient(myAppKeyOpt); //Verify that the client is loaded
        ClassLoader clsLoader=wsMngr.getClassLoader(myAppKeyOpt);
        String pkg=wsMngr.getPkg(myAppKeyOpt);
        //Other stuff
        int pre_pro=(this.appKeyOpt[2]=="demo") ? 0 : 1;  //Demo=0, prod=1
        int idProc=0;
        if (idProcedimiento==null) idProc = getProcedimiento(extracto, codSeccio)[pre_pro];
        else idProc=idProcedimiento;
        int idNodo=0;
        if (idNodoAyto==null) idNodo = getNodo(codSeccio)[pre_pro];
        else idNodo=idNodoAyto;

        // 4. Fill fields of a class
        String[] fieldNames = { "wsSegUser",   "wsSegPass",   "idEntidad",  "idSubtipoProcedimiento", 
        Object[] fieldValues = { this.username, this.modifPwd, this.entidad, idProc,
                claseExp, extracto,      codigoExp,          nifUsuario,  idNodo};
        Object myInstance = ReflectionBasic.createObject(clsLoader, pkg + "." + simpleClassName, fieldNames, fieldValues, false, null);

        return invoke(operation, myKey, outputField, myInstance);
    public WsOutput NuevoInteresado(String codExpAlba, String nifInte, boolean isSolicitante) throws Exception {
        String operation = "NuevoInteresado";
        String simpleClassName = operation;
        String myKey="segex";
        String outputField=""; // can have Nested field or no field
        String[] myAppKeyOpt=fillArray(this.appKeyOpt[0],myKey,this.appKeyOpt[2]);
        wsMngr.addClient(myAppKeyOpt); //Verify that the client is loaded
        ClassLoader clsLoader=wsMngr.getClassLoader(myAppKeyOpt);
        String pkg=wsMngr.getPkg(myAppKeyOpt);
        //Other stuff
        //int pre_pro=(this.appKeyOpt[2]=="demo") ? 0 : 1;  //Demo=0, prod=1
        Object[] obCiu = GetCiudadanoByDocumentoNou(nifInte);

        // 4. Fill fields of a class
        String[] fieldNames = { "wssegUser", "wssegPass",     "pkEntidad",  "codigoExpediente",
                "codCiud", "codCiudRep", "notificacionElectronica", "domicilio", 
                "telefonoMovil", "email", "esSolicitante", "nifUsuario",};
        Object[] fieldValues = { this.username, this.modifPwd, this.entidad, codExpAlba,
                obCiu[0], -1, obCiu[2], obCiu[3], 
                obCiu[4], obCiu[5], isSolicitante, this.nif};
        Object myInstance = ReflectionBasic.createObject(clsLoader, pkg + "." + simpleClassName, fieldNames, fieldValues, false, null);

        return invoke(operation, myKey, outputField, myInstance);
    public WsOutput AñadirDocSegraAExpedientePorId(String codExpAlba, int idSegra, 
            String descripcion, int pkCarpeta, boolean accesoInteresados) throws Exception {
        String operation = "AñadirDocSegraAExpedientePorId";
        String simpleClassName = operation;
        String myKey="segex";
        String outputField=""; // can have Nested field or no field
        String[] myAppKeyOpt=fillArray(this.appKeyOpt[0],myKey,this.appKeyOpt[2]);
        wsMngr.addClient(myAppKeyOpt); //Verify that the client is loaded
        ClassLoader clsLoader=wsMngr.getClassLoader(myAppKeyOpt);
        String pkg=wsMngr.getPkg(myAppKeyOpt);
        // 4. Fill fields of a class
        String[] fieldNames = { "wssegUser",   "wssegPass",   "pkEntidad", "codigoExpediente",
                "id", "descripcion", "pkCarpeta", 
        Object[] fieldValues = { this.username, this.modifPwd, this.entidad, codExpAlba,
                idSegra, descripcion, pkCarpeta, 
        Object myInstance = ReflectionBasic.createObject(clsLoader, pkg + "." + simpleClassName, fieldNames, fieldValues, false, null);

        return invoke(operation, myKey, outputField, myInstance);
    public WsOutput AñadirDocAExpedientePorCSV(String codExpAlba, String csv, 
            String descripcion, int pkCarpeta, String fkTipoenidocumento, String fkEstadoelaboracion,
            boolean origenAdministracion, boolean accesoInteresados) throws Exception {
        String operation = "AñadirDocAExpedientePorCSV";
        String simpleClassName = operation;
        String myKey="segex";
        String outputField=""; // can have Nested field or no field
        String[] myAppKeyOpt=fillArray(this.appKeyOpt[0],myKey,this.appKeyOpt[2]);
        wsMngr.addClient(myAppKeyOpt); //Verify that the client is loaded
        ClassLoader clsLoader=wsMngr.getClassLoader(myAppKeyOpt);
        String pkg=wsMngr.getPkg(myAppKeyOpt);
        // 4. Fill fields of a class
        String[] fieldNames = { "wssegUser",   "wssegPass",   "pkEntidad", "codigoExpediente",
                "csv", "descripcion", "pkCarpeta", 
                "fkTipoenidocumento", "fkEstadoelaboracion", "origenAdministracion", "accesoInteresados",
        Object[] fieldValues = { this.username, this.modifPwd, this.entidad, codExpAlba,
                csv, descripcion, pkCarpeta, 
                fkTipoenidocumento, fkEstadoelaboracion, origenAdministracion, accesoInteresados,
        Object myInstance = ReflectionBasic.createObject(clsLoader, pkg + "." + simpleClassName, fieldNames, fieldValues, false, null);

        return invoke(operation, myKey, outputField, myInstance);
    public WsOutput AnadirDocAExpedientePorContenidoB64(String codExpAlba, String contenidoB64, String extension,
            String descripcion, int pkCarpeta, String fkTipoenidocumento, String fkEstadoelaboracion,
            boolean origenAdministracion, boolean accesoInteresados) throws Exception {
        String operation = "AñadirDocAExpedientePorContenidoB64";
        String simpleClassName = operation;
        String myKey="segex";
        String outputField=""; // can have Nested field or no field
        String[] myAppKeyOpt=fillArray(this.appKeyOpt[0],myKey,this.appKeyOpt[2]);
        wsMngr.addClient(myAppKeyOpt); //Verify that the client is loaded
        ClassLoader clsLoader=wsMngr.getClassLoader(myAppKeyOpt);
        String pkg=wsMngr.getPkg(myAppKeyOpt);
        // 4. Fill fields of a class
        String[] fieldNames = { "wssegUser",   "wssegPass",   "pkEntidad", "codigoExpediente",
                "contenidoB64", "extension", "descripcion", "pkCarpeta", 
                "fkTipoenidocumento", "fkEstadoelaboracion", "origenAdministracion", "accesoInteresados",
        Object[] fieldValues = { this.username, this.modifPwd, this.entidad, codExpAlba,
                contenidoB64, extension, descripcion, pkCarpeta, 
                fkTipoenidocumento, fkEstadoelaboracion, origenAdministracion, accesoInteresados,
        Object myInstance = ReflectionBasic.createObject(clsLoader, pkg + "." + simpleClassName, fieldNames, fieldValues, false, null);

        return invoke(operation, myKey, outputField, myInstance);
    public WsOutput AnadirDocAExpedientePorContenidoB64(String codExpAlba, String csv, 
            String descripcion, int pkCarpeta, String fkTipoenidocumento, String fkEstadoelaboracion,
            boolean origenAdministracion, boolean accesoInteresados) throws Exception {
        String operation = "AñadirDocAExpedientePorCSV";
        String simpleClassName = operation;
        String myKey="segex";
        String outputField=""; // can have Nested field or no field
        String[] myAppKeyOpt=fillArray(this.appKeyOpt[0],myKey,this.appKeyOpt[2]);
        wsMngr.addClient(myAppKeyOpt); //Verify that the client is loaded
        ClassLoader clsLoader=wsMngr.getClassLoader(myAppKeyOpt);
        String pkg=wsMngr.getPkg(myAppKeyOpt);
        // 4. Fill fields of a class
        String[] fieldNames = { "wssegUser", "wssegPass", "pkEntidad", "codigoExpediente",
                "csv", "descripcion", "pkCarpeta", 
                "fkTipoenidocumento", "fkEstadoelaboracion", "origenAdministracion", "accesoInteresados",
        Object[] fieldValues = { this.username, this.modifPwd, this.entidad, codExpAlba,
                csv, descripcion, pkCarpeta, 
                fkTipoenidocumento, fkEstadoelaboracion, origenAdministracion, accesoInteresados,
        Object myInstance = ReflectionBasic.createObject(clsLoader, pkg + "." + simpleClassName, fieldNames, fieldValues, false, null);

        return invoke(operation, myKey, outputField, myInstance);
    public WsOutput NuevaCarpeta(String codExpAlba, String descripcion) throws Exception {
        String operation = "NuevaCarpeta";
        String simpleClassName = operation;
        String myKey="segex";
        String outputField=""; // can have Nested field or no field
        String[] myAppKeyOpt=fillArray(this.appKeyOpt[0],myKey,this.appKeyOpt[2]);
        wsMngr.addClient(myAppKeyOpt); //Verify that the client is loaded
        ClassLoader clsLoader=wsMngr.getClassLoader(myAppKeyOpt);
        String pkg=wsMngr.getPkg(myAppKeyOpt);
        // 4. Fill fields of a class
        String[] fieldNames = { "wssegUser", "wssegPass", "pkEntidad", "codigoExpediente",
                "descripcion", "nifUsuario"};
        Object[] fieldValues = { this.username, this.modifPwd, this.entidad, codExpAlba,
                descripcion, this.nif};
        Object myInstance = ReflectionBasic.createObject(clsLoader, pkg + "." + simpleClassName, fieldNames, fieldValues, false, null);

        return invoke(operation, myKey, outputField, myInstance);
    public WsOutput ObtenerInfoDocumento( int pkDocumento) throws Exception {
        String operation = "ObtenerInfoDocumento";
        String simpleClassName = operation;
        String myKey="segex";
        String outputField=""; // can have Nested field or no field
        String[] myAppKeyOpt=fillArray(this.appKeyOpt[0],myKey,this.appKeyOpt[2]);
        wsMngr.addClient(myAppKeyOpt); //Verify that the client is loaded
        ClassLoader clsLoader=wsMngr.getClassLoader(myAppKeyOpt);
        String pkg=wsMngr.getPkg(myAppKeyOpt);
        // 4. Fill fields of a class
        String[] fieldNames = { "wssegUser",   "wssegPass",   "pkEntidad", "pkDocumento"};
        Object[] fieldValues = { this.username, this.modifPwd, this.entidad, pkDocumento,};
        Object myInstance = ReflectionBasic.createObject(clsLoader, pkg + "." + simpleClassName, fieldNames, fieldValues, false, null);

        return invoke(operation, myKey, outputField, myInstance);
    public WsOutput ObtenerInfoDocumentoConCsv( String csv, String codExpedient) throws Exception {
        String operation = "ObtenerInfoDocumentoConCsv";
        String simpleClassName = operation;
        String myKey="segex";
        String outputField=""; // can have Nested field or no field
        String[] myAppKeyOpt=fillArray(this.appKeyOpt[0],myKey,this.appKeyOpt[2]);
        wsMngr.addClient(myAppKeyOpt); //Verify that the client is loaded
        ClassLoader clsLoader=wsMngr.getClassLoader(myAppKeyOpt);
        String pkg=wsMngr.getPkg(myAppKeyOpt);
        // 4. Fill fields of a class
        String[] fieldNames = { "wssegUser",   "wssegPass",   "pkEntidad", "codigoExpediente", "csv" };
        Object[] fieldValues = { this.username, this.modifPwd, this.entidad, codExpedient,      csv  };
        Object myInstance = ReflectionBasic.createObject(clsLoader, pkg + "." + simpleClassName, fieldNames, fieldValues, false, null);

        return invoke(operation, myKey, outputField, myInstance);
    public WsOutput ObtenerUrlDocumento(int pkDocumento, String tipoUrl) throws Exception {
        String operation = "ObtenerUrlDocumento";
        String simpleClassName = operation;
        String myKey="segex";
        String outputField=""; // can have Nested field or no field
        String[] myAppKeyOpt=fillArray(this.appKeyOpt[0],myKey,this.appKeyOpt[2]);
        wsMngr.addClient(myAppKeyOpt); //Verify that the client is loaded
        ClassLoader clsLoader=wsMngr.getClassLoader(myAppKeyOpt);
        String pkg=wsMngr.getPkg(myAppKeyOpt);
        // 4. Fill fields of a class
        String[] fieldNames = { "wssegUser",   "wssegPass",   "pkEntidad",  "pkDocumento", "tipoUrl" };
        Object[] fieldValues = { this.username, this.modifPwd, this.entidad, pkDocumento,   tipoUrl  };
        Object myInstance = ReflectionBasic.createObject(clsLoader, pkg + "." + simpleClassName, fieldNames, fieldValues, false, null);

        return invoke(operation, myKey, outputField, myInstance);
    public WsOutput ObtenerUrlExpedienteSinProcedimientoComoUsuarioSegexConCertificado(String codigoExpediente) throws Exception {
        String operation = "ObtenerUrlExpedienteSinProcedimientoComoUsuarioSegexConCertificado";
        String simpleClassName = operation;
        String myKey="segex";
        String outputField=""; // can have Nested field or no field
        String[] myAppKeyOpt=fillArray(this.appKeyOpt[0],myKey,this.appKeyOpt[2]);
        wsMngr.addClient(myAppKeyOpt); //Verify that the client is loaded
        ClassLoader clsLoader=wsMngr.getClassLoader(myAppKeyOpt);
        String pkg=wsMngr.getPkg(myAppKeyOpt);
        // 4. Fill fields of a class
        String[] fieldNames = { "wssegUser",   "wssegPass",   "pkEntidad",  "codigoExpediente", 
                                "pkServicio", "pkMateria", "pkTipo", "pkSubtipo", "pkClase" };
        Object[] fieldValues = { this.username, this.modifPwd, this.entidad, codigoExpediente,   
                                 null,         null,        null,     null,        null};
        Object myInstance = ReflectionBasic.createObject(clsLoader, pkg + "." + simpleClassName, fieldNames, fieldValues, false, null);

        return invoke(operation, myKey, outputField, myInstance);
    public WsOutput ObtenerInfoExpedienteV2( String codExpedient) throws Exception {
        String operation = "ObtenerInfoExpedienteV2";
        String simpleClassName = operation;
        String myKey="segex";
        String outputField=""; // can have Nested field or no field
        String[] myAppKeyOpt=fillArray(this.appKeyOpt[0],myKey,this.appKeyOpt[2]);
        wsMngr.addClient(myAppKeyOpt); //Verify that the client is loaded
        ClassLoader clsLoader=wsMngr.getClassLoader(myAppKeyOpt);
        String pkg=wsMngr.getPkg(myAppKeyOpt);
        // 4. Fill fields of a class
        String[] fieldNames = { "wssegUser", "wssegPass", "pkEntidad", "codigoExpediente" };
        Object[] fieldValues = { this.username, this.modifPwd, this.entidad, codExpedient };
        Object myInstance = ReflectionBasic.createObject(clsLoader, pkg + "." + simpleClassName, fieldNames, fieldValues, false, null);

        return invoke(operation, myKey, outputField, myInstance);
    public WsOutput ListarInteresadosExpediente( String codExpedient) throws Exception {
        String operation = "ListarInteresadosExpediente";
        String simpleClassName = operation;
        String myKey="segex";
        String outputField=""; // can have Nested field or no field
        String[] myAppKeyOpt=fillArray(this.appKeyOpt[0],myKey,this.appKeyOpt[2]);
        wsMngr.addClient(myAppKeyOpt); //Verify that the client is loaded
        ClassLoader clsLoader=wsMngr.getClassLoader(myAppKeyOpt);
        String pkg=wsMngr.getPkg(myAppKeyOpt);
        // 4. Fill fields of a class
        String[] fieldNames = { "wssegUser", "wssegPass", "idEntidad", "codigoExpediente" };
        Object[] fieldValues = { this.username, this.modifPwd, this.entidad, codExpedient };
        Object myInstance = ReflectionBasic.createObject(clsLoader, pkg + "." + simpleClassName, fieldNames, fieldValues, false, null);

        return invoke(operation, myKey, outputField, myInstance);
     *    3. SERES_REGISTRO
     * *******************************************************************************************/
    public WsOutput ListDestinosEntidad() throws Exception {
        String operation = "ListDestinosEntidad";
        String simpleClassName = operation;
        String myKey="seres_registro";
        String outputField=""; // can have Nested field or no field
        String[] myAppKeyOpt=fillArray(this.appKeyOpt[0],myKey,this.appKeyOpt[2]);
        wsMngr.addClient(myAppKeyOpt); //Verify that the client is loaded
        ClassLoader clsLoader=wsMngr.getClassLoader(myAppKeyOpt);
        String pkg=wsMngr.getPkg(myAppKeyOpt);
        // 4. Fill fields of a class
        String[] fieldNames = { "wssegUser", "wssegPassword", "wsEntidad" };
        Object[] fieldValues = { this.username, this.modifPwd, this.entidad};
        Object myInstance = ReflectionBasic.createObject(clsLoader, pkg + "." + simpleClassName, fieldNames, fieldValues, false, null);

        return invoke(operation, myKey, outputField, myInstance);
    public WsOutput GetRegistroEntrada(int any, int numReg) throws Exception {
        String operation = "GetRegistroEntrada";
        String simpleClassName = operation;
        String myKey="seres_registro";
        String outputField=""; // can have Nested field or no field
        String[] myAppKeyOpt=fillArray(this.appKeyOpt[0],myKey,this.appKeyOpt[2]);
        wsMngr.addClient(myAppKeyOpt); //Verify that the client is loaded
        ClassLoader clsLoader=wsMngr.getClassLoader(myAppKeyOpt);
        String pkg=wsMngr.getPkg(myAppKeyOpt);
        // 4. Fill fields of a class
        String[] fieldNames = { "wssegUser", "wssegPassword", "wsEntidad", "ejercicio", "numeroRegistro" };
        Object[] fieldValues = { this.username, this.modifPwd, this.entidad, any, numReg};
        Object myInstance = ReflectionBasic.createObject(clsLoader, pkg + "." + simpleClassName, fieldNames, fieldValues, false, null);

        return invoke(operation, myKey, outputField, myInstance);
    public WsOutput GetRegistroSalida(int any, int numReg) throws Exception {
        String operation = "GetRegistroSalida";
        String simpleClassName = operation;
        String myKey="seres_registro";
        String outputField=""; // can have Nested field or no field
        String[] myAppKeyOpt=fillArray(this.appKeyOpt[0],myKey,this.appKeyOpt[2]);
        wsMngr.addClient(myAppKeyOpt); //Verify that the client is loaded
        ClassLoader clsLoader=wsMngr.getClassLoader(myAppKeyOpt);
        String pkg=wsMngr.getPkg(myAppKeyOpt);
        // 4. Fill fields of a class
        String[] fieldNames = { "wssegUser", "wssegPassword", "wsEntidad", "ejercicio", "numeroRegistro" };
        Object[] fieldValues = { this.username, this.modifPwd, this.entidad, any, numReg};
        Object myInstance = ReflectionBasic.createObject(clsLoader, pkg + "." + simpleClassName, fieldNames, fieldValues, false, null);

        return invoke(operation, myKey, outputField, myInstance);
    public WsOutput NewRegistroEntradaProva() throws Exception {
        String operation = "NewRegistroEntrada";
        String simpleClassName = operation;
        String myKey="seres_registro";
        String outputField=""; // can have Nested field or no field
        String[] myAppKeyOpt=fillArray(this.appKeyOpt[0],myKey,this.appKeyOpt[2]);
        wsMngr.addClient(myAppKeyOpt); //Verify that the client is loaded
        ClassLoader clsLoader=wsMngr.getClassLoader(myAppKeyOpt);
        String pkg=wsMngr.getPkg(myAppKeyOpt);
                |-> nuevoRegistro
        // 3. Get complex fields of the class.
        // 3.1 TipoRegistro
        Object tReg = ReflectionBasic.createEnum(clsLoader, pkg + ".TipoRegistro", "E");
        // 3.2 idsRemitentes
        Object idRemitentes = ReflectionBasic.createArrayOfInt(clsLoader, pkg + ".ArrayOfInt", 12570609, 12570373); 
        // 3.3 destinos
        Object destinos = ReflectionBasic.createArrayOfInt(clsLoader, pkg + ".ArrayOfInt", 16515, 16517); // Secretasria ?
        // 3.4 TipoAnexo
        Object tAnexo = ReflectionBasic.createEnum(clsLoader, pkg + ".TipoAnexo", "Adjunto");
        // 3.5 TipoValidez
        Object tValidez = ReflectionBasic.createEnum(clsLoader, pkg + ".TipoValidez", "SinValidez");
        // 3.6 TipoFormato anexo
        Object tFormato = ReflectionBasic.createEnum(clsLoader, pkg + ".TipoFormatoAnexo", "Contenido");
        // 3.7 Anexo 1
        //byte[] contenido = Base64.getEncoder().encode("Prova Annex Edu".getBytes());
        byte[] contenido = "Prova Annex Edu".getBytes(); // No fa falta pasar-ho a base 64. Ho fa ell
        String descripcion = "descripcio de prova_edu.txt";
        String extension = "txt";
        String estadoElaboracionEni = "EE99";
        String tipoDocumentalEni = "TD99";
        String identificadorEni = "ES_A47777777_1900_TATIA";
        String idioma = "es";
        String[] fieldNameAnexo = { "tipoFormato", "contenido", "descripcion", "extension", "tipoDocAnexo",
                "tipoValidez", "estadoElaboracionEni", "tipoDocumentalEni", "identificadorEni", "idioma" };
        Object[] fieldValueAnexo = { tFormato, contenido, descripcion, extension, tAnexo, tValidez,
                estadoElaboracionEni, tipoDocumentalEni, identificadorEni, idioma };
        Object anexo = ReflectionBasic.createObject(clsLoader, pkg + ".AnexoNewRegistroDto", fieldNameAnexo,
                fieldValueAnexo, false, null);
        //====== ANEXO NOOOOO URL ====
        //Object tFormato1 = ReflectionBasic.createEnum(clsLoader, pkg + ".TipoFormatoAnexo", "Url");
        Object tFormato1 = ReflectionBasic.createEnum(clsLoader, pkg + ".TipoFormatoAnexo", "Contenido");
        // 3.7 Anexo 2
        //String url1="https://sede.administracionespublicas.gob.es/valida/validar/servicio_csv_id/10/hash_firma_formularioweb/ORVE-0999f6b991627bc31b77a5998fb78245";
        //byte[] inFileBytes = Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get("/home/eduard/kk/3.pdf")); 
        //byte[] contenido1 = Base64.getEncoder().encode(inFileBytes);
        byte[] contenido1 = Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get("/home/eduard/kk/3.pdf"));
        String descripcion1 = "3.pdf";
        String extension1 = "pdf";
        String estadoElaboracionEni1 = "EE99";
        String tipoDocumentalEni1 = "TD99";
        String identificadorEni1 = "ES_A47777777_1900_TATIA1";
        String idioma1 = "es";
        //String[] fieldNameAnexo1 = { "tipoFormato", "url", "descripcion", "extension", "tipoDocAnexo",
        String[] fieldNameAnexo1 = { "tipoFormato", "contenido", "descripcion", "extension", "tipoDocAnexo",
                "tipoValidez", "estadoElaboracionEni", "tipoDocumentalEni", "identificadorEni", "idioma" };
        //Object[] fieldValueAnexo1 = { tFormato1, url1, descripcion1, extension1, tAnexo, tValidez,
        Object[] fieldValueAnexo1 = { tFormato1, contenido1, descripcion1, extension1, tAnexo, tValidez,
                estadoElaboracionEni1, tipoDocumentalEni1, identificadorEni1, idioma1 };
        Object anexo1 = ReflectionBasic.createObject(clsLoader, pkg + ".AnexoNewRegistroDto", fieldNameAnexo1,
                fieldValueAnexo1, false, null);

        // 3.7 Anexo 2
        contenido = Base64.getEncoder().encode("Prova Annex Edu2".getBytes());
        //contenido = "Prova Annex Edu".getBytes(); // No fa falta pasar-ho a base 64. Ho fa ell
        descripcion = "descripcio de prova_edu2.txt";
        extension = "txt";
        estadoElaboracionEni = "EE99";
        tipoDocumentalEni = "TD99";
        identificadorEni = "ES_A47777777_1900_TATIA2";
        idioma = "es";
        String[] fieldNameAnexo2 = { "tipoFormato", "contenido", "descripcion", "extension", "tipoDocAnexo",
                "tipoValidez", "estadoElaboracionEni", "tipoDocumentalEni", "identificadorEni", "idioma" };
        Object[] fieldValueAnexo2 = { tFormato, contenido, descripcion, extension, tAnexo, tValidez,
                estadoElaboracionEni, tipoDocumentalEni, identificadorEni, idioma };
        Object anexo2 = ReflectionBasic.createObject(clsLoader, pkg + ".AnexoNewRegistroDto", fieldNameAnexo2,
                        fieldValueAnexo2, false, null);
        // 3.6 Array Anexos
        //String[] fieldNameAAnexos = {};
        //Object[] fieldValueAAnexos = {};
        Object arrAnexos = ReflectionBasic.createArrayOfObject(clsLoader, pkg + ".ArrayOfAnexoNewRegistroDto",
                "getAnexoNewRegistroDto", anexo, anexo1, anexo2); // Secretaria ?

        // 3.7 newReg
        GregorianCalendar ahora = new GregorianCalendar(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT"));
        XMLGregorianCalendar fecha = DatatypeFactory.newInstance().newXMLGregorianCalendar(ahora);
        String resumen = "Prova enregistrar Eixida EDU";
        String paisProcedencia = "108";
        String provinciaProcedencia = "VALENCIA";
        String municipioProcedencia = "TAVERNES DE LA VALLDIGNA";
        String descripcionAdicionalProcedencia = "NO RES DE BO";
        int oficina = 561;

        String fieldNameNewReg[] = { "tipo", "fechaDocumento", "fechaValidezOrigen", "idsRemitentes", "resumen",
                "paisProcedencia", "provinciaProcedencia", "municipioProcedencia", "descripcionAdicionalProcedencia",
                "destinos", "anexos", "idioma", "oficina" };
        Object fieldValueNewReg[] = { tReg, fecha, fecha, idRemitentes, resumen, paisProcedencia, provinciaProcedencia,
                municipioProcedencia, descripcionAdicionalProcedencia, destinos, arrAnexos, idioma, oficina };
        Object newReg = ReflectionBasic.createObject(clsLoader, pkg + ".NewRegistroDto", fieldNameNewReg, fieldValueNewReg, false, null);

        // 4. Get the Main object
        String[] fieldNames = { "wssegUser",   "wssegPassword", "wsEntidad",  "nifTramitador", "nuevoRegistro" };
        Object[] fieldValues = { this.username, this.modifPwd,   this.entidad, this.nif,        newReg};
        Object myInstance = ReflectionBasic.createObject(clsLoader, pkg + "." + simpleClassName, fieldNames, fieldValues, false, null);

        return invoke(operation, myKey, outputField, myInstance);
    public WsOutput NewRegistroEntrada(Object registro) throws Exception {
        String operation = "NewRegistroEntrada";
        String simpleClassName = operation;
        String myKey="seres_registro";
        String outputField=""; // can have Nested field or no field
        String[] myAppKeyOpt=fillArray(this.appKeyOpt[0],myKey,this.appKeyOpt[2]);
        wsMngr.addClient(myAppKeyOpt); //Verify that the client is loaded
        ClassLoader clsLoader=wsMngr.getClassLoader(myAppKeyOpt);
        String pkg=wsMngr.getPkg(myAppKeyOpt);
        // 4. Fill fields of a class
        String[] fieldNames = { "wssegUser", "wssegPassword", "wsEntidad", "nifTramitador", "nuevoRegistro" };
        Object[] fieldValues = { this.username, this.modifPwd, this.entidad, this.nif,      registro};
        Object myInstance = ReflectionBasic.createObject(clsLoader, pkg + "." + simpleClassName, fieldNames, fieldValues, false, null);

        return invoke(operation, myKey, outputField, myInstance);
    public WsOutput NewRegistroSalidaProva() throws Exception {
        String operation = "NewRegistroSalida";
        String simpleClassName = operation;
        String myKey="seres_registro";
        String outputField=""; // can have Nested field or no field
        String[] myAppKeyOpt=fillArray(this.appKeyOpt[0],myKey,this.appKeyOpt[2]);
        wsMngr.addClient(myAppKeyOpt); //Verify that the client is loaded
        ClassLoader clsLoader=wsMngr.getClassLoader(myAppKeyOpt);
        String pkg=wsMngr.getPkg(myAppKeyOpt);
                |-> nuevoRegistro
        // 3. Get complex fields of the class.
        // 3.1 TipoRegistro
        Object tReg = ReflectionBasic.createEnum(clsLoader, pkg + ".TipoRegistro", "S");
        // 3.2 idsRemitentes
        Object idRemitentes = ReflectionBasic.createArrayOfInt(clsLoader, pkg + ".ArrayOfInt", 12570609, 12570373); // Edu
                                                                                                                            // i
                                                                                                                            // e
                                                                                                                            // Cesar
        // 3.3 destinos
        Object destinos = ReflectionBasic.createArrayOfInt(clsLoader, pkg + ".ArrayOfInt", 16515); // Secretasria ?
        // 3.4 TipoAnexo
        Object tAnexo = ReflectionBasic.createEnum(clsLoader, pkg + ".TipoAnexo", "Adjunto");
        // 3.5 TipoValidez
        Object tValidez = ReflectionBasic.createEnum(clsLoader, pkg + ".TipoValidez", "SinValidez");
        // 3.6 TipoFormato anexo
        Object tFormato = ReflectionBasic.createEnum(clsLoader, pkg + ".TipoFormatoAnexo", "Contenido");
        // 3.7 Anexo
        byte[] contenido = "Prova Annex Edu".getBytes();
        String descripcion = "descripcio de prova_edu.txt";
        String extension = "txt";
        String estadoElaboracionEni = "EE99";
        String tipoDocumentalEni = "TD99";
        String identificadorEni = "ES_A47777777_1900_TATIA";
        String idioma = "Castellano";
        String[] fieldNameAnexo = { "tipoFormato", "contenido", "descripcion", "extension", "tipoDocAnexo",
                "tipoValidez", "estadoElaboracionEni", "tipoDocumentalEni", "identificadorEni", "idioma" };
        Object[] fieldValueAnexo = { tFormato, contenido, descripcion, extension, tAnexo, tValidez,
                estadoElaboracionEni, tipoDocumentalEni, identificadorEni, idioma };
        Object anexo = ReflectionBasic.createObject(clsLoader, pkg + ".AnexoNewRegistroDto", fieldNameAnexo,
                fieldValueAnexo, false, null);

        // 3.6 Array Anexos
        Object arrAnexos = ReflectionBasic.createArrayOfObject(clsLoader, pkg + ".ArrayOfAnexoNewRegistroDto",    "getAnexoNewRegistroDto", anexo); // Secretasria ?

        // 3.7 newReg
        GregorianCalendar ahora = new GregorianCalendar(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT"));
        XMLGregorianCalendar fecha = DatatypeFactory.newInstance().newXMLGregorianCalendar(ahora);
        String resumen = "Prova enregistrar Eixida EDU";
        String paisProcedencia = "108";
        String provinciaProcedencia = "VALENCIA";
        String municipioProcedencia = "TAVERNES DE LA VALLDIGNA";
        String descripcionAdicionalProcedencia = "NO RES DE BO";
        // String idioma="Castellano";
        int oficina = 561;

        String fieldNameNewReg[] = { "tipo", "fechaDocumento", "fechaValidezOrigen", "idsRemitentes", "resumen",
                "paisProcedencia", "provinciaProcedencia", "municipioProcedencia", "descripcionAdicionalProcedencia",
                "destinos", "anexos", "idioma", "oficina" };
        Object fieldValueNewReg[] = { tReg, fecha, fecha, idRemitentes, resumen, paisProcedencia, provinciaProcedencia,
                municipioProcedencia, descripcionAdicionalProcedencia, destinos, arrAnexos, idioma, oficina };
        Object newReg = ReflectionBasic.createObject(clsLoader, pkg + ".NewRegistroDto", fieldNameNewReg,
                fieldValueNewReg, false, null);

        // 4. Get the Main object
        String[] fieldNames = { "wssegUser",   "wssegPassword", "wsEntidad",  "nifTramitador", "nuevoRegistro" };
        Object[] fieldValues = { this.username, this.modifPwd,   this.entidad, this.nif,      newReg};
        Object myInstance = ReflectionBasic.createObject(clsLoader, pkg + "." + simpleClassName, fieldNames, fieldValues, false, null);

        return invoke(operation, myKey, outputField, myInstance);
    public WsOutput NewPendienteDeRegistro(Object registro) throws Exception {
        String operation = "NewPendienteDeRegistro";
        String simpleClassName = operation;
        String myKey="seres_registro";
        String outputField=""; // can have Nested field or no field
        String[] myAppKeyOpt=fillArray(this.appKeyOpt[0],myKey,this.appKeyOpt[2]);
        wsMngr.addClient(myAppKeyOpt); //Verify that the client is loaded
        ClassLoader clsLoader=wsMngr.getClassLoader(myAppKeyOpt);
        String pkg=wsMngr.getPkg(myAppKeyOpt);
        // 4. Fill fields of a class
        String[] fieldNames = { "wssegUser", "wssegPassword", "wsEntidad", "nifTramitador", "nuevoRegistro" };
        Object[] fieldValues = { this.username, this.modifPwd, this.entidad, this.nif,      registro};
        Object myInstance = ReflectionBasic.createObject(clsLoader, pkg + "." + simpleClassName, fieldNames, fieldValues, false, null);

        return invoke(operation, myKey, outputField, myInstance);
    public WsOutput ListRegistrosEntrada(String filtro, int ejercicio) throws Exception {
        String operation = "ListRegistrosEntrada";
        String simpleClassName = operation;
        String myKey="seres_registro";
        String outputField=""; // can have Nested field or no field
        String[] myAppKeyOpt=fillArray(this.appKeyOpt[0],myKey,this.appKeyOpt[2]);
        wsMngr.addClient(myAppKeyOpt); //Verify that the client is loaded
        ClassLoader clsLoader=wsMngr.getClassLoader(myAppKeyOpt);
        String pkg=wsMngr.getPkg(myAppKeyOpt);
        // 4. Fill fields of a class
        String[] fieldNames = { "wssegUser",   "wssegPassword", "wsEntidad",  "filtro","ejercicio" };
        Object[] fieldValues = { this.username, this.modifPwd,   this.entidad, filtro,  ejercicio};
        Object myInstance = ReflectionBasic.createObject(clsLoader, pkg + "." + simpleClassName, fieldNames, fieldValues, false, null);

        return invoke(operation, myKey, outputField, myInstance);
    public WsOutput FilterRegistrosEntrada(String[] filtroCamps, String[] filtroValors, boolean orden, int pagina) throws Exception {
        String operation = "FilterRegistrosEntrada";
        String simpleClassName = operation;
        String myKey="seres_registro";
        String outputField=""; // can have Nested field or no field
        String[] myAppKeyOpt=fillArray(this.appKeyOpt[0],myKey,this.appKeyOpt[2]);
        wsMngr.addClient(myAppKeyOpt); //Verify that the client is loaded
        ClassLoader clsLoader=wsMngr.getClassLoader(myAppKeyOpt);
        String pkg=wsMngr.getPkg(myAppKeyOpt);
        // 4. Fill fields of a class
        List<Object> lstobj=new ArrayList<Object>();
        for (int i=0; i<filtroCamps.length; i++) {
            switch (filtroCamps[i]) {
                case "tipo": //E/S
                    lstobj.add(ReflectionBasic.createEnum(clsLoader, pkg + ".TipoRegistro", filtroValors[i].toString()));
                case "ejercicio": //2022 ..
                case "estado": //COMPLETO/INCOMPLETO
                    lstobj.add(ReflectionBasic.createEnum(clsLoader, pkg + ".TipoEstado", filtroValors[i].toString()));
                case "oficina": //entero
                case "factura": //boolean
                case "archivado": //boolean
                case "destinosOrigen": //ArrayOfInt
                    String[] destinosStr=filtroValors[i].split(",");
                    List<Integer> destinosInt= 
                    lstobj.add(ReflectionBasic.createArrayOfInt(clsLoader, pkg + ".ArrayOfInt", destinosInt)); // Edu
                case "interesados": //ArrayOfString
                    String[] interesadosStr=filtroValors[i].split(",");
                    lstobj.add(ReflectionBasic.createArrayOfString(clsLoader, pkg + ".ArrayOfString", interesadosStr)); // Edu
                case "fechaGrabacionDesde": //XMLGregorianCalendar
                case "fechaGrabacionHasta": //XMLGregorianCalendar
                case "fechaValidezDesde": //XMLGregorianCalendar
                case "fechaValidezHasta": //XMLGregorianCalendar
                case "FechaCompletoDesde": //XMLGregorianCalendar
                case "fechaCompletoHasta": //XMLGregorianCalendar
        Object filtro = ReflectionBasic.createObject(clsLoader, pkg + "." + "FiltroRegistroDto", filtroCamps, lstobj.toArray(), false, null);
        // 4. Fill fields of a class
        String[] fieldNames = { "wssegUser",   "wssegPassword", "wsEntidad",  "filtro","orden","pagina" };
        Object[] fieldValues = { this.username, this.modifPwd,   this.entidad, filtro,  orden,  pagina  };
        Object myInstance = ReflectionBasic.createObject(clsLoader, pkg + "." + simpleClassName, fieldNames, fieldValues, false, null);

        return invoke(operation, myKey, outputField, myInstance);
     *    4. SERES.CIUDADANO
     * *******************************************************************************************/
    public Object[] GetCiudadanoByDocumentoNou(String nif)throws Exception {
        String operation="GetCiudadanoByDocumento";
        String simpleClassName = operation;
        String myKey="seres_ciudadanos";
        //String outputField=""; // can have Nested field or no field
        String[] myAppKeyOpt=fillArray(this.appKeyOpt[0],myKey,this.appKeyOpt[2]);
        wsMngr.addClient(myAppKeyOpt); //Verify that the client is loaded
        ClassLoader clsLoader=wsMngr.getClassLoader(myAppKeyOpt);
        String pkg=wsMngr.getPkg(myAppKeyOpt);
        // 4. Fill fields of a class
        String[] fieldNames = { "wssegUser",   "wssegPassword",   "wsEntidad",  "documento"  };
        Object[] fieldValues = { this.username, this.modifPwd, this.entidad,     nif };
        Object myInstance = ReflectionBasic.createObject(clsLoader, pkg + "." + simpleClassName, fieldNames, fieldValues, false, null);
        //return invoke(operation, myKey, outputField, myInstance);
        Object[] aObj = new Object[6];
        try {
            Object[] res =wsMngr.invoke(myAppKeyOpt, operation, myInstance);
            Object e=res[0];
            // 0->ID Ciudadano
            aObj[0] = FieldUtils.readField(e, "id", true);

            // 1.->ID Representante
            aObj[1] = 0;
            Object ob = ReflectionBasic.getNestedFieldList(e, "representantes","representanteEditViewModel");
            if (ob != null) aObj[1] = FieldUtils.readField(ob, "getCiudadanoRepresentanteId", true);
            // 2.--> Notificacion electronica
            aObj[2] = FieldUtils.readField(e, "notElectronica", true);

            // 3.--> Domicilio OJO que no està claro
            aObj[3] = "";
            ob = ReflectionBasic.getNestedFieldList(e, "domicilios", "domCiudadanoEditExternoModel");
            if (ob != null)
                    aObj[3] = Objects.toString(FieldUtils.readField(ob, "direccion", true), "") + " "
                            + Objects.toString(FieldUtils.readField(ob, "numVia", true), "") + " "
                            + Objects.toString(FieldUtils.readField(ob, "escPisPue", true), "") + " "
                            + Objects.toString(FieldUtils.readField(ob, "codPostal", true), "") + " "
                            + Objects.toString(FieldUtils.readField(ob, "municipioDescripcion", true), "") + " "
                            + Objects.toString(FieldUtils.readField(ob, "provinciaDescripcion", true), "");
            // 4.--> Telefon
            aObj[4] = "";
            ob = ReflectionBasic.getNestedFieldList(e, "telefonos", "telefonoEditViewModel");
            if (ob != null) aObj[4] = Objects.toString(FieldUtils.readField(ob, "nTelefono", true), "");

            // 5.--> Email
            aObj[5] = "";
            ob = ReflectionBasic.getNestedFieldList(e, "correosElectronicos", "correoElectronicoEditViewModel");
            if (ob != null) 
                aObj[5] = Objects.toString(FieldUtils.readField(ob, "email", true), "");
        } catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();}
        return aObj;
    public WsOutput GetCiudadanoByDocumento(String nif)throws Exception {
        String operation="GetCiudadanoByDocumento";
        String simpleClassName = operation;
        String myKey="seres_ciudadanos";
        String outputField=""; // can have Nested field or no field
        String[] myAppKeyOpt=fillArray(this.appKeyOpt[0],myKey,this.appKeyOpt[2]);
        wsMngr.addClient(myAppKeyOpt); //Verify that the client is loaded
        ClassLoader clsLoader=wsMngr.getClassLoader(myAppKeyOpt);
        String pkg=wsMngr.getPkg(myAppKeyOpt);
        // 4. Fill fields of a class
        String[] fieldNames = { "wssegUser",   "wssegPassword",   "wsEntidad",  "documento"  };
        Object[] fieldValues = { this.username, this.modifPwd, this.entidad,     nif };
        Object myInstance = ReflectionBasic.createObject(clsLoader, pkg + "." + simpleClassName, fieldNames, fieldValues, false, null);
        return invoke(operation, myKey, outputField, myInstance);
    public WsOutput ListProcedencias() throws Exception {
        String operation="ListProcedencias";
        String simpleClassName = operation;
        String myKey="seres_ciudadanos";
        String outputField=""; // can have Nested field or no field
        String[] myAppKeyOpt=fillArray(this.appKeyOpt[0],myKey,this.appKeyOpt[2]);
        wsMngr.addClient(myAppKeyOpt); //Verify that the client is loaded
        ClassLoader clsLoader=wsMngr.getClassLoader(myAppKeyOpt);
        String pkg=wsMngr.getPkg(myAppKeyOpt);
        // 4. Fill fields of a class
        String[] fieldNames = { "wssegUser",   "wssegPassword", "wsEntidad" };
        Object[] fieldValues = { this.username, this.modifPwd,   this.entidad};
        Object myInstance = ReflectionBasic.createObject(clsLoader, pkg + "." + simpleClassName, fieldNames, fieldValues, false, null);
        return invoke(operation, myKey, outputField, myInstance);
    public WsOutput ListCiudadanosByName(String filtro, String tipoPersonalidad) throws Exception {
        String operation="ListCiudadanosByName";
        String simpleClassName = operation;
        String myKey="seres_ciudadanos";
        String outputField=""; // can have Nested field or no field
        String[] myAppKeyOpt=fillArray(this.appKeyOpt[0],myKey,this.appKeyOpt[2]);
        wsMngr.addClient(myAppKeyOpt); //Verify that the client is loaded
        ClassLoader clsLoader=wsMngr.getClassLoader(myAppKeyOpt);
        String pkg=wsMngr.getPkg(myAppKeyOpt);
        //Other stuff
        Object personalidad= ReflectionBasic.createEnum(clsLoader,pkg+ "."+ "TipoPersonalidad",tipoPersonalidad); // OJO: 
        // 4. Fill fields of a class
        String[] fieldNames = { "wssegUser",   "wssegPassword", "wsEntidad",  "filtro", "tipoPersonalidad" };
        Object[] fieldValues = { this.username, this.modifPwd,   this.entidad, filtro,   personalidad};
        Object myInstance = ReflectionBasic.createObject(clsLoader, pkg + "." + simpleClassName, fieldNames, fieldValues, false, null);
        return invoke(operation, myKey, outputField, myInstance);
    public WsOutput NewProcedencia(String [] idAbrvDesc) throws Exception {
        String operation="NewProcedencia";
        String simpleClassName = operation;
        String myKey="seres_ciudadanos";
        String outputField=""; // can have Nested field or no field
        String[] myAppKeyOpt=fillArray(this.appKeyOpt[0],myKey,this.appKeyOpt[2]);
        wsMngr.addClient(myAppKeyOpt); //Verify that the client is loaded
        ClassLoader clsLoader=wsMngr.getClassLoader(myAppKeyOpt);
        String pkg=wsMngr.getPkg(myAppKeyOpt);
        //Other stuff
        String[] fieldNamesPrc  = { "id", "abreviatura", "descripcion" };
        Object[] fieldValuesPrc = { idAbrvDesc[0], idAbrvDesc[1], idAbrvDesc[2] };
        Object procedencia = ReflectionBasic.createObject(clsLoader, pkg + "." + "ProcedenciaEditViewModel", fieldNamesPrc,
                fieldValuesPrc, false, null);
        // 4. Fill fields of a class
        String[] fieldNames = { "wssegUser", "wssegPassword", "wsEntidad", "nifTramitador", "procedencia"};
        Object[] fieldValues = { this.username, this.modifPwd,   this.entidad, this.nif, procedencia};
        Object myInstance = ReflectionBasic.createObject(clsLoader, pkg + "." + simpleClassName, fieldNames, fieldValues, false, null);
        return invoke(operation, myKey, outputField, myInstance);
    public WsOutput getCiudadanoByDocumento(String documento) throws Exception {
        String operation="GetCiudadanoByDocumento";
        String simpleClassName = operation;
        String myKey="seres_ciudadanos";
        String outputField=""; // can have Nested field or no field
        String[] myAppKeyOpt=fillArray(this.appKeyOpt[0],myKey,this.appKeyOpt[2]);
        wsMngr.addClient(myAppKeyOpt); //Verify that the client is loaded
        ClassLoader clsLoader=wsMngr.getClassLoader(myAppKeyOpt);
        String pkg=wsMngr.getPkg(myAppKeyOpt);
        //Other stuff
        // 4. Fill fields of a class
        String[] fieldNames = { "wssegUser",   "wssegPassword", "wsEntidad","documento" };
        Object[] fieldValues = { this.username, this.modifPwd,   this.entidad, documento};
        Object myInstance = ReflectionBasic.createObject(clsLoader, pkg + "." + simpleClassName, fieldNames, fieldValues, false, null);
        return invoke(operation, myKey, outputField, myInstance);
    public WsOutput SyncCiudadano(Map<String,Object> parameters) throws Exception {
        String operation="SyncCiudadano";
        String simpleClassName = operation;
        String myKey="seres_ciudadanos";
        String outputField=""; // can have Nested field or no field
        String[] myAppKeyOpt=fillArray(this.appKeyOpt[0],myKey,this.appKeyOpt[2]);
        wsMngr.addClient(myAppKeyOpt); //Verify that the client is loaded
        ClassLoader clsLoader=wsMngr.getClassLoader(myAppKeyOpt);
        String pkg=wsMngr.getPkg(myAppKeyOpt);
        //Other stuff
        // 3. Get ciudadano's data
        String simpleClassNameCiud="CiudadanoEditExternoModel";
        String[] fieldNamesCiud = { 
            "nif"                , "domCiudadanoPrincipalId", "nombre",
            "apellido1"          , "apellido2"              , "apellidoNombre",
            "personalidad"       , "observaciones"          , "procedenciaId",
            "notElectronica"     , "idiomaComunicaciones"   , "fechaNacimiento",
            "correosElectronicos", "direccionesElectronicas", "telefonos",
            "domicilios"         , "representantes"
        Object ciudadano = ReflectionBasic.createObject(clsLoader, pkg + "." + simpleClassNameCiud, fieldNamesCiud, parameters, false, null);

        // 4. Fill fields of a class
        String[] fieldNames = { "wssegUser", "wssegPassword", "wsEntidad",    "nifTramitador","ciudadano" };
        Object[] fieldValues = { this.username, this.modifPwd,   this.entidad, this.nif,       ciudadano};
        Object myInstance = ReflectionBasic.createObject(clsLoader, pkg + "." + simpleClassName, fieldNames, fieldValues, false, null);
        return invoke(operation, myKey, outputField, myInstance);
    public WsOutput SyncCiudadano(Object ciudadano) throws Exception {
        String operation="SyncCiudadano";
        String simpleClassName = operation;
        String myKey="seres_ciudadanos";
        String outputField=""; // can have Nested field or no field
        String[] myAppKeyOpt=fillArray(this.appKeyOpt[0],myKey,this.appKeyOpt[2]);
        wsMngr.addClient(myAppKeyOpt); //Verify that the client is loaded
        ClassLoader clsLoader=wsMngr.getClassLoader(myAppKeyOpt);
        String pkg=wsMngr.getPkg(myAppKeyOpt);
        //Other stuff
        // 3. Get ciudadano's data
        String[] fieldNames = { "wssegUser", "wssegPassword", "wsEntidad","nifTramitador","ciudadano" };
        Object[] fieldValues = { this.username, this.modifPwd, this.entidad, this.nif, ciudadano};
        Object myInstance = ReflectionBasic.createObject(clsLoader, pkg + "." + simpleClassName, fieldNames, fieldValues, false, null);

        return invoke(operation, myKey, outputField, myInstance);
     *    5. DIRECTORIO
     * *******************************************************************************************/
    public WsOutput ListarRolesDelUsuarioEnCualquierAmbito(String nifUsuario) throws Exception {
        String operation="ListarRolesDelUsuarioEnCualquierAmbito";
        String simpleClassName = operation;
        String myKey="directorio";
        String outputField=""; // can have Nested field or no field
        String[] myAppKeyOpt=fillArray(this.appKeyOpt[0],myKey,this.appKeyOpt[2]);
        wsMngr.addClient(myAppKeyOpt); //Verify that the client is loaded
        ClassLoader clsLoader=wsMngr.getClassLoader(myAppKeyOpt);
        String pkg=wsMngr.getPkg(myAppKeyOpt);
        // 4. Fill fields of a class
        String[] fieldNames = { "wsSegUser",   "wsSegPass",   "idEntidad",  "nifUsuario"  };
        Object[] fieldValues = { this.username, this.modifPwd, this.entidad, nifUsuario };
        Object myInstance = ReflectionBasic.createObject(clsLoader, pkg + "." + simpleClassName, fieldNames, fieldValues, false, null);
        return invoke(operation, myKey, outputField, myInstance);
    public WsOutput ListarNodosContenidosEn(int inodo, boolean soloContenedores) throws Exception {
        String operation = "ListarNodosContenidosEn";
        String simpleClassName = operation;
        String myKey="directorio";
        String outputField=""; // can have Nested field or no field
        String[] myAppKeyOpt=fillArray(this.appKeyOpt[0],myKey,this.appKeyOpt[2]);
        wsMngr.addClient(myAppKeyOpt); //Verify that the client is loaded
        ClassLoader clsLoader=wsMngr.getClassLoader(myAppKeyOpt);
        String pkg=wsMngr.getPkg(myAppKeyOpt);
        // 4. Fill fields of a class
        String[] fieldNames = { "wsSegUser",   "wsSegPass",   "idEntidad",  "idNodoContenedor", "soloContenedores" };
        Object[] fieldValues = { this.username, this.modifPwd, this.entidad, inodo,              soloContenedores};
        Object myInstance = ReflectionBasic.createObject(clsLoader, pkg + "." + simpleClassName, fieldNames, fieldValues, false, null);

        return invoke(operation, myKey, outputField, myInstance);
     *    6. SELLO
     * *******************************************************************************************/
    public WsOutput SellarPdfBase64(String descripcionDocumento, String descripcionSello, String textoSello, String b64Origen, 
            String tipoFormato, String idTipoEni, String idEstadoElaboracion, boolean origenAdministracion, boolean omitirFirmasPrevias) throws Exception {
        String operation="SellarPdfBase64";
        String simpleClassName = operation;
        String myKey="sello";
        String outputField=""; // can have Nested field or no field
        String[] myAppKeyOpt=fillArray(this.appKeyOpt[0],myKey,this.appKeyOpt[2]);
        wsMngr.addClient(myAppKeyOpt); //Verify that the client is loaded
        ClassLoader clsLoader=wsMngr.getClassLoader(myAppKeyOpt);
        String pkg=wsMngr.getPkg(myAppKeyOpt);
        // 3. Other stuff
        Object tFormato = ReflectionBasic.createEnum(clsLoader, pkg + ".TipoFormato", tipoFormato);
        String[] fieldNameOpcionesSelloElectronicoV2 = 
            { "formato", "idTipoEni", "idEstadoElaboracion", "origenAdministracion", "omitirFirmasPrevias"};
        Object[] fieldValueOpcionesSelloElectronicoV2 = 
            { tFormato, idTipoEni, idEstadoElaboracion, origenAdministracion, omitirFirmasPrevias};
        Object opcionesSelloElectronicoV2 = 
                ReflectionBasic.createObject(clsLoader, pkg + ".OpcionesSelloElectronicoV2", fieldNameOpcionesSelloElectronicoV2,
                        fieldValueOpcionesSelloElectronicoV2, false, null);
        // 4. Fill fields of a class
        String[] fieldNames = 
            { "wsSegUser", "wsSegPass",   "idEntidad", "descripcionDocumento", "descripcionSello", "textoSello",
              "b64Origen", "opciones"};               
        Object[] fieldValues = 
            { this.username, this.modifPwd, this.entidad, descripcionDocumento,descripcionSello,textoSello,
              b64Origen, opcionesSelloElectronicoV2    };
        Object myInstance = ReflectionBasic.createObject(clsLoader, pkg + "." + simpleClassName, fieldNames, fieldValues, false, null);
        return invoke(operation, myKey, outputField, myInstance);

5. Examples of calling the WS (WSSedipualba.java)

package openadmin.sedipualba.decrets;

import java.util.Properties;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;

import ximodante.basic.utils.basic.ExecutionTypeEnum;
import ximodante.basic.utils.basic.PropertyUtilsEdu;
import ximodante.basic.utils.ws.WsOutput;
import ximodante.ws.alba.WsAlba;

public class WSSedipualba {
    //Get Information about a SEGRA by its idSegra
    public static String SegraObtenerPropuestaInfoV2(int pkPropuesta) throws Exception  {
        Properties propsWs=PropertyUtilsEdu.getProperties(ExecutionTypeEnum.NO_JAR, "ws_encrypt");
        String[] appKeyOpt= {"alba","directorio","prod"};
        long timeOut=20000L;
        WsAlba wsAlba = new WsAlba(propsWs, appKeyOpt,true, timeOut);
        String output=null;
        try {
            WsOutput wsOutput=wsAlba.ObtenerPropuestaInfoV2(pkPropuesta);
            System.out.println("Resultado: OK="+wsOutput.isOK() + " Mensaje:" + wsOutput.getMessage());
            Object result=wsOutput.getOutput();
            output=new ObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(result);
        } catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();}    
        return output;
    //Get Information about a SEGRA by its idSegra
    public static String SegexObtenerInfoDocumentoConCsv(String csv, String expedient) throws Exception  {
        Properties propsWs=PropertyUtilsEdu.getProperties(ExecutionTypeEnum.NO_JAR, "ws_encrypt");
        String[] appKeyOpt= {"alba","directorio","prod"};
        long timeOut=20000L;
        WsAlba wsAlba = new WsAlba(propsWs, appKeyOpt,true, timeOut);
        String output=null;
        try {
            WsOutput wsOutput=wsAlba.ObtenerInfoDocumentoConCsv(csv,expedient);
            System.out.println("Resultado: OK="+wsOutput.isOK() + " Mensaje:" + wsOutput.getMessage());
            Object result=wsOutput.getOutput();
            output=new ObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(result);
        } catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();}    
        return output;
    public static String SegexAñadirDocSegraAExpedientePorId(int idSegra, String expedient, String descripcion, int pkCarpeta, boolean accesoInteresados) throws Exception  {
        Properties propsWs=PropertyUtilsEdu.getProperties(ExecutionTypeEnum.NO_JAR, "ws_encrypt");
        String[] appKeyOpt= {"alba","directorio","prod"};
        long timeOut=20000L;
        WsAlba wsAlba = new WsAlba(propsWs, appKeyOpt,true, timeOut);
        String output=null;
        try {
            WsOutput wsOutput=wsAlba.AñadirDocSegraAExpedientePorId(expedient, idSegra, descripcion, pkCarpeta, accesoInteresados);
            System.out.println("Resultado: OK="+wsOutput.isOK() + " Mensaje:" + wsOutput.getMessage());
            Object result=wsOutput.getOutput();
            output=new ObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(result);
        } catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();}    
        return output;


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