WFC a solo odyssey

1. Introduction

WCF has evolved to newer and securer web services. That's nice. But nobody else agree with them.

WCF has offered new protocols such as ws2007httpbinding that can only be used in Windows systems using .NET Framework.

None of these systems can use the newer WCF WS:

  • Apache Axis
  • Apache CSF
  • Metro
  • Mono
  • .NET Core
And these WS Client projects cannot be migrated using "dotnet" command as follows (in a Windows machine)

dotnet publish -c release -r linux-x64 /p:PublishSingleFile=true /p:PublishTrimmed=true -o E:\CONF\MyResources\linux-64A

dotnet publish -c release -r win10-x64 /p:PublishSingleFile=true /p:PublishTrimmed=true -o E:\CONF\MyResources\win10-64A

You must do it only with Visual Studio publish option!!!!

So if you want to use this WS, you must use a Windows machine!

But you can delegate the WS to a Windows machine and use SSH to execute the command form Linux.


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