0. Introduction 1. zip64 2. Fat jar and executable jar and the MANIFEST.MF is not alone in the META-INF directory 3. Project order, test failure. distTar and distZip duplicated dependencies 4. CommandLineLauncher for avoiding System.exit 5. PDF version from 1.4 to 1.7 (s/Jesus Romero) Including file Ian... 6. java.smartcardio dependency 7. Passing arguments to SimpleFirma.main() 1. zip64 When a large number of libraries need to be included in a fat jar, the zip utility is overwhelmed, so you need to indicate zip64=true when defining a jar task o equivalent jar { zip64 = true duplicatesStrategy = DuplicatesStrategy . EXCLUDE manifest { . . . . . . . 2. Fat jar/Uber jar, executable jar, and the MANIFEST.MF is not alone in the META-INF directory If you want to create a fat jar (uber jar), you must include all the dependencies in the generated jar. There are several options (when you want only a subproject to have a fat jar or if you want that every child project have ...