WS Dynamic Client with https and user and password. SOAPUI util
Let's create a client that should be authenticated with https protocol. 1. The URL of the WSDL It is https://192.XXX.XXX.XXX:8443/gexflow/ws/RegistroV3?wsdl 2. Creating the classes with Apache cxf It is interesting creating the classes with wsdl2java shell as it can be seen in an elder post . So you can use these classes for several purposes and analyzing cxf interpretation of the WSDL. 3. Bypassing server authentication. NOT WORKING!!! skip this step! If your server has a problematic certificate, (expired, not valid...) you can use a static method in the service class... but you cannot fool the cxf security (in new versions) as cxf redirects to a new DefaultHostServerVerifier . In older versions, this trick can work. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 static { javax . net . ssl . HttpsURLConnection . setDefaultHostnameVerifier ( new javax . net . ssl . HostnameVerifier () { @Override public boolean verify ( String hostname , javax . net . ssl . SSLSession sslSession ) { ...